Chapter 20

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Author's POV :

Chan was standing up the aisle as the door opened and there stood the beautiful looking Minho with Minhyuk. They walked towards Chan . Minhyuk, with glossy eyes, handed Minho to Chan saying "Now this precious jewel is your treasure. Take care of him" Chan nodded with a smile as he took Minho's hand into his.

Ring were exchanged as the priest proceeded "You may take your vows now"

Chan held Minho's hands as he spoke "I Bang Chan, the Crown Prince of Ravaryn and the son of Bang Hyunwoo and Bang Jinsol, take you, Lee Minho, Prince of Casentino and son of lt. Lee Minjun and Lee Hyori, to be my husband, to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish till death do us apart according to God's holy law and this is my solemn vow."

It was now Minho's turn as he said "I Lee Minho, Prince of Casentino and the son of Lt. Lee Minjun and Lee Hyori, take you, Bang Chan, Crown Prince of Ravaryn and son of  Bang Hyunwoo and Bang Jinsol, to be my husband, to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish till death do us apart according to God's holy law and this is my solemn vow."

The priest asked Chan to move Minho's mask and so he did. And trust me Chan was dumbstruck at Minho's beauty as he whispered to him "You are beautiful" making Minho smile at him.

The priest then said " You may kiss now"

Chan looked at Minho as he whispered " Can I? ". Minho nodded as Chan held his waist and kissed him. The kiss lasted for a short time as Minho moved away with a light red tint on his cheeks. He felt his cheeks burning up as he internally freaked out.

The elders blessed the now married couple as the younger ones gave them a hug.

The ceremony ended as Minho and Chan decided to sleep in two different rooms. Minho was with jisung in his chamber when jisung asked "When are you planning to fall in love with him, like he's so humble".

Minho sighed as he said "It was my responsibility for my brother and my kingdom, nothing else Jisung. I admit he is a gentleman but I don't think I'll fall in love with him."

"Okay go now, I'm tired, let me sleep"
They wished each other good night as Jisung left.


Take Care❤

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