Chapter 26

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Author's POV :

Everyone in Ravaryn was happy. All of them admired Minho's beauty and his gentle character. Chan always took Minho out for a walk since Min was bored as Jisung was too busy with Hyunjin and Seungmin and Jeongin were busy showing the 'Maknae power'.

Oh also, Minho strained leg was all fine now. Thanks to Jinsol and her remedies. Minho enjoyed Chan's company. And on the other hand, Chan falls in love quick( you know what I mean:) ).

"Aye Minho, stop chasing the butterfly " Chan said running after Minho, with a Polaroid camera ( just imagine that this thing existed during that time)

"Chan, just look at it, it's so beautiful" Minho said as a beautiful smile adorned his face.

"Yes it is, oh look there's the butterfly"

"Okay, now I'll go towards it and pose and you are supposed to take a picture yeah?" Minho whispered as Chan gave him a thumbs up.

Minho made his way towards the butterfly with his hand stuck out. When he was close to it, the butterfly flew and sat on Minho's palm, making Minho smile beautifully. He hadn't even posed when Chan quickly took a click, making Minho flinch and the butterfly flew away.

Minho groaned as he said " Chan c'mmon, what did you do, the butterfly-" "You look beautiful" Chan cut him off. "Huh?" Minho asked confused. Chan got put of his trance as he said "uh-I mean the picture, it came out beautiful. Come see"

Minho went to Chan as he saw the picture which was actually very pretty.
"O my God, it a great click Channie. Thanks" Minho said as he hugged Chan. Chan was taken aback and hugged Minho back. "It's okay" he whispered.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the world:-

"You got married and didn't even tell me brother...aww I'm so hurt. I can see you are happy now but don't you worry, the happiness won't last long..Hyung" The man said to himself as he then laughed like a 'Maniac'


Take Care❤

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