Chapter 23

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Author's POV :

It was the next morning as Minho was  with Hyori, hugging her as he was crying his heart out. "I'll miss you a lot mumma~" Minho cried making Hyori pat his back as she said

"I'll miss you too my baby, and I know that the guilt of leaving your family after marriage is natural but you should not let it consume you. You should stop crying okay. And Jisung and Seungmin are coming with you too right "

Minho let his mother's words sink in as he sniffled and stopped crying. He then nodded towards his mother, who said "Let's go now okay, everyone is waiting"

They went down to the castle's gate as Hyori gave her son a peck on the forehead. She saw Chan coming towards him as she said "Take care of my son" Chan nodded as he bowed to her. Hyori quickly hugged him and blessed him when Jinsol came and said

"It was a pleasure to be here Hyori, and we would be more happy if you could come to our kingdom." Hyori nodded and she hugged her and said "Sure"

Just then Minhyuk and Hyunwoo came as Hyunwoo hugged Minhyuk and said " I think we should leave now,  please don't worry. Minho will be treated like the Angel that he is"

Jinsol and Hyunwoo made there way to the Chariot as Chan and Minho got into the second one and Hyunjin Jisung Jeongin and Seungmin will be sitting in another one.

Jeongin had got into the chariot when Seungmin saw Hyunjin and Jisung talking to each other as he shouted "Hey, you too, we need to leave, so care to end your gossip session there?"

Jisung and Hyunjin looked at Seungmin as they laughed and got into the chariot, when Jeongin shouted "Ravaryn, we are coming backkk~" making Jisung and Seungmin flinch and Hyunjin roll his eyes.

Seungmin and Jisung looked at Hyunjin and laughed when he said " Don't worry guys, just chill, he has always been like that "


Take Care❤

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