Chapter 22

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Author's POV :

Minho was now standing infront of Chan's guest chamber, preparing himself to go in and talk to his husband. Minho took a deep breath before knocking and stepped inside when he heard a 'come in'.

He walked inside only to find Chan sitting on his bed and reading a book. He stepped close to Chan who closed the book and stood up when he saw Minho.

"Hey Minho, are you okay? Is there anything I can help you with?" Chan asked when he saw Minho wasn't speaking anything.

"Umm, yeah I am fine, I just wanted to ask you that-" " Can Jisung and Seungmin come with us to Ravaryn?" Minho was cut off in between his words by Chan who completed his sentence making Minho confused as how he knew what he was going to say.

"Yeah! how do you know I wanted to ask that? " Minho asked in complete shock. Chan chuckled as he replied "Don't freak out! It was simply a guess" Minho understood as he nodded.

Chan continued as he said "And to answer your question, yes they can come with us. I know it will be awkward for you to be there with total strangers so you can bring them along."

Minho excitedly jumped on his toes as he said "Thank you so much channie, now bye I'll go". Chan looked at Minho leave his room as he got flustered with the nickname.

Minho ran to the garden only to find a drenched Jisung chasing Seungmin.
" Jisung! Seungmin! Stop running I have something to say". Both of his best friends came running to him as they asked him to say. "Chan agreed" Minho said. "huh?"

Minho rolled his eyes as he said " Chan agreed, you guys can come with me to Ravaryn." On hearing this both Jisung and Seungmin jumped on Minho as Jisung said "It's great to know that Hyung" making Seungmin nod.

Minho hugged his friends as he said " Okay guys go pack, we are leaving tomorrow" Jisung and Seungmin quickly ran off to pack.


Take Care❤

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