Chapter 3

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Author's POV :
For the Casentinian people it was just simply another day as no one knew anything about the kings demise. At the Royal Palace, in the garden, were three boys running around for what seemed like hours.

Minho dragged his two best friends friends for life ,Jisung and Seungmin, to the garden to collect some flowers to make accessories for his father and elder brother. He was well aware of his dad and brother's love for flowers and also how, every-year spring came, his dad would not stop ranting about flowers.So he decided to surprise them. (but only if he knew... Anyways)

"Yah Minho, slow down a bit" said jisung exhausted from all the running. " No sungie, Dad and Hyung shall arrive anytime. I have to make some pretty accessories for them. U guys know their love for nature right" Stated Minho who was not even one bit tired from all the running.

"We know Hyung, but you have collected many flowers already. You are gonna make accessories not Chariots out of them. Are you?" Seungmin stated sarcastically. "As ridiculous as it sounds Minnie" chuckled Jisung. Minho sighed as he said " You guys are probably right, I have already collected many flowers. Let's head back guys" making Jisung and Seungmin sigh in relief.

On their way to Minho's Chamber, they came across Queen Hyori. "Oh Min, I was looking around for you. Where were you sweetie?"

"Mom, I went to the garden with Sungie and Minnie to collect some flowers to make accessories for Dad and Hyung" Replied Minho with a Sweet smile. "Oh that's lovely! But why do Jisung and Seungmin look like they have run a marathon" Asked Hyori in confusion.

"Because your son made us run the whole garden 20 times,Your Majesty" Jisung and Seungmin said together making Hyori laugh a little at their words. But soon she put on a fake anger and said "That's okay but how many times do I need to tell you boys to call me mom" She asked with an eyebrow lift up.

Jisung and Seungmin nervously giggled, then smiled as they said "Sorry mom, we'll remember" Queen Hyori smiled at their words as she said "Okay you three big kiddos, I received a letter from Minhyuk this morning stating that he along with others shall arrive by tomorrow morning. So we need to hurry up with the preparations for and u three better help."

"We will help Mom, don't worry" Minho replied. Hyori smiled and nodded as she then left the three boys who then made their way to Minho's Chamber. All of them unaware of the storm that's gonna come soon.


A/N - Hope you guys liked this chapter.

Take care❤

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