Chapter 18

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Author's POV :

Everyone from the Casentinian palace, including Minho, was the entrance of the Castle waiting for the arrival of the Ravaryns. Soon they could see the convoy of the Ravaryns make it's way towards the palace. The two chariots stopped as Hyunwoo and Jinsol got out from the first one.

Minhyuk made his way towards Hyunwoo as he bowed and hugged the older. Hyori walked upto Jinsol as they bowed to each other and shared a hug. Seeing this Jisung whispered to Minho " Looking at them who'll say that they are the kings of two kingdoms who were enemies before." "Exactly!" Minho replied.

Hyori then said "It's a pleasure to have you in our kingdom". "The pleasure is all ours" Jinsol replied making Hyori smiled. "Where are the others" Minhyuk asked as Jinsol called for Chan Jeongin and Hyunjin.

Hyunjin was the first one to get out as he introduced himself to the Casentinians. Next Jeongin got out as he made his way to stand beside his mother who introduced him "This is Jeongin, the youngest prince" Hyori quickly pinched his cheeks as she found him cute.

Finally, Chan got out of the chariot and bowed as Jinsol introduced him making Hyori and Minhyuk look at him and smile. "My future son-in-law is handsome indeed" Hyori said making Chan bow at her and thank her with a smile.

Hyori then said "By the way, this is Felix, Minhyuk and Minho's cousin. The two on either side of him are Jisung and Seungmin,  Minho's bestfriends since childhood" The three boys stepped forward and bowed at them.

"And at last the one they've been shielding all the time is my son and the youngest prince Minho" On hearing his name Minho walked towards Hyunwoo and Jinsol and bowed at them.

Jinsol looked at him as she said "He has very beautiful eyes, I'm waiting for his full face reveal" Hyori nodded as she said soon.

Jinsol then said "Chan, meet him" Chan nodded as Minho and him bowed at each other. Minhyuk said " You all have had a long journey, let me show you your rooms so that you can rest."

The Ravaryns followed Hyori and Minhyuk as at the end only Minho Felix Jisung and Seungmin were left as Seungmin exclaimed "By looks, He is a great match for you hyung". Jisung and Felix nodded in agreement as Minho giggled. Then the four of them made their way back to Minho's chamber.


Take Care❤️

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