Chapter 5

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Author's POV:

It's been hours since Minho has locked himself up in his room. Jisung and Seungmin tried their best to talk to him and get him open the door but miserably failed.

Now, Minho was sitting near the window in his room staring at the night sky. His eyes were all red and puffy from crying, dried tears stained his cheeks. He looked so vulnerable at this moment. He broke into another round of tears as his gaze fell on the bracelet on his wrist.

" promised u'll stay with me always. Why did you break your promise. I promise I won't be notorious anymore, I'll be a good boy but please come back!" Anyone who saw Minho right now in this state would be broken too.

After sometime, Minho heard knocking on the door. Suddenly he heard Minhyuk's voice "Min open the door. Please". Minho wiped his tears, stood up and opened the door, just to see his Mom and Brother standing there. They came inside. Minho looked at his mothers eyes which were red and puffy too. He quickly hugged his mother and started crying.

Hyori tried to calm his crying son. Minho looked at his mom as he said "Mumma, why did Appa leave us." Hyori quickly shook her head as a no as she said " No sweetheart, don't say that Appa did not leave us. He never can. Appa will always stay with us. In our memories, in our hearts, Right Min." Minho nodded as he smiled a little.

Minhyuk who was looking at this all this while said "Mom is right Min, Appa has not left us, You are Appa's good son right. You know Appa hated to see you cry, right. Do you think he'll be happy to see you like this?" Minho shook his head as no as he sniffled.

Minhyuk continued "Exactly, he will not be happy, so you need to stop crying and hold yourself together . You have to be strong. Appa is always there to support you. " Minho wiped his tears as he got out of his mother's embrace and hugged his brother.

"I promise I won't cry Hyung, not anymore" Minho whispered as Minhyuk patted his back. Hyori smiled seeing the two brothers.


Take care❤

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