Chapter 24

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Author's POV :

They reached Ravaryn as all of them were getting out of the chariot. Chan was the first to get out of his chariot as he extended his hand for Minho to hold on.

Minho was trying to get out as his leg accidentally got twisted and he was about to fall, but a pair of two arms held his waist securely. Chan was quick enough to hold the falling Minho, who held his shoulders and looked at him.

They made an eye contact and for about 10 minutes, no one dared to break the eye contact. Suddenly someone cleared his throat grabbing the attention of the two newly-weds. It was Seungmin who said "Gosh love birds, atleast get out of the chariot first"

Minho and Chan quickly realised the position they were in. Minho tried standing up but cried out in pain, making Chan worry. "Are you okay Min?" Seungmin asked "My leg hurts. I am not able to stand up" Minho replied.

Chan nodded as he said "You might have sprained your leg. Let me help you" Saying so, Chan quickly picked Minho up in bridal style and made his way towards his parents. "O my God. What happened Min" Jinsol asked "He strained his leg" Chan replied.

"Oh my, I'll send the doctor then-" Jinsol suggested but Minho was quick to decline"No need for that eomma, I'll rest and it'll be fine" Jinsol nodded as she said "Everyone listen, let me tell you guys your chambers. Jisung your chamber is the one infront of Hyunjin" Hyunjin smirked at Jisung who playfully hit him and laughed.

Jinsol continued "Seungmin your chamber is the one beside Innie" Jeongin jumped excitedly as he said "Yo bro! Lets show everyone the Maknae power" Seungmin smiled as he said "I will not cause any trouble to anyone but yeah okay."

"And Minho and Chan will share a room" Jinsol said as Chan looked at Minho. "Are you fine with it?" Chan asked as Minho nodded with a smile. " I just hope you are not someone who messes up the room." Chan laughed as he shook his head.

"Chan take Minho to the room and let him rest" Hyunwoo said as Chan nodded and took Minho to their Chamber.

"Thanks Chan" Minho said once Chan put the blanket on him. " Happy to help" Chan said making Minho giggle. After that Chan left the room and Minho drifted off to sleep.


Take Care❤

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