Chapter 21

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Author's POV :

It was the next day as everyone was currently in the dining hall having breakfast when Hyunwoo spoke up "We are very grateful for your great hospitality but we will soon be leaving for Ravaryn, tomorrow, along with our now son-in-law."

Minho looked at his mother in shock as the fear of leaving his family took over him. He excused himself from the dining hall as he ran to Jisung who was in the garden.

"Sungie, the Bangs are talking about taking me to Ravaryn tomorrow and I don't want go" Minho complained to Jisung.

"What are you saying Min, now that you are married to the Prince of Ravaryn, it's obvious that you'll have to go" Jisung tried to make him understand.

"I know but I don't want to go, how will I live there without you'll be so lonely" Minho said again with tears in his eyes

"Don't cry Min...we'll miss you too Min and I know that in the beginning it'll be awkward but you will soon adjust and get close to everyone there" Jisung said as Minho looked at the ground

"Okay I'll go, only if you and Seungmin go along with me, and that's final, either you guys go with me or I won't go at all" Minho looked up as he said

"What's with this stubborness Min, how can I go, and what will I do there?" Jisung argued and Seungmin came there too. "What happened guys" he asked.

"Minnie look, Minho wants us to go with him to Ravaryn" Jisung explained  as Seungmin looked at Minho. "O my! You guys can be my assistants there. I am such a genius" Minho exclaimed as the idea struck his mind.

"The idea is good and about that genius thing, I am starting to believe that" Seungmin said and Jisung looked at him with shock evident in his face as he said" Excuse me Kim Seungmin, don't take his side okay, this is wrong, and Minho listen, you go and tell this to your husband, and if Chan agrees then okay we'll come with you!"

"Wait! Me going and talking to him?? No no no" Minho argued. Jisung crossed his hands as he said " If you go and ask him, we'll come with you and if you don't then we too won't and that's final"

Minho shook his head "Okay okay I'll ask him" . Just then he heard Felix's voice "Hey brother, time for me to go back, I will miss you, but I'll come to meet you soon okay" Minho groaned as he said " You brat, I knew you would do this, anyways, I'll miss you too and surely come to meet me or else I won't talk to you" Felix laughed as he nodded and the brothers shared a hug.

Felix hugged Jisung as they both said together "I'll miss you my twin". Both of them laughed. Felix then hugged Seungmin as he said "Bye everyone, See you soon" and waved his hand before leaving.


Take Care❤

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