Chapter 16

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Author's POV :

Minho was currently having breakfast in the dining room when-

"Lee Minhooooo~~~~" Minho looked at the direction of the deep voice and stood up running towards the owner of that voice . "O my God Felix! You are finally here!!" "Yesss brooo"

They broke the hug as Minho said " I'm so happy that you are here! How's life sailing" "Smooth as butter!" "Great!lets go to my chamber" Minho and Felix reached Minho's chamber as they both looked at each other as Lix said "Min you are getting married already, its so sudden"

"I know I know, but atleast you finally came to meet me even though it's for the wedding" Minho said as Felix replied "I'm so sorry know how far Korea is from Australia right"

"Yeah yeah! Same excuse each time, it's okay! Anyways wanna know something" Minho asked as Felix nodded his head "My to-be in-laws are coming here tomorrow, and I'm so nervous"

Felix looked at Minho and gasped as he said " Tomorrow!? That means we have just one day until you decide to sit in your chamber the whole day because you are too nervous to go out!"

Minho gasped as he said "Omo..You know me so well. Anyways freshen up first before we start our craziness, Jisung and Seungmin will be here too" Felix nodded as he headed off to his guest chamber.

--Time skip sponsored by your author's blank brain.

It was evening when Felix and Minho landed in Minhyuk's room followed by Jisung and Seungmin who looked like they would pass out anytime.

Minhyuk looked at them and chuckled as he asked "What? Min and Lix made you run errands again?" Jisung and Seungmin nodded as Jisung said " Why do you lee's have so much stamina.. I am literally very exhausted rn " Seungmin nodded with a 'me too' making the three Lees laugh.

"Go and rest four of you, I'll see you in the dining room" Hearing this the four o them nodded and left the room.


Take Care❤

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