Chapter 6

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Author's POV :

It has been a month since Minjun's death. Today was the day when the Casentinian Empire will get a new king in the form of Lee Minhyuk. Yes, today was Minhyuk's coronation day and he was currently in his room along with Minho Jisung and Seungmin who were trying to get him ready.

"Yah Hyung, would you care to explain why you are running around the whole room like a five-year old child?!?" Jisung complained as he tried chasing the running Minhyuk with a comb in his hand.

"No no no Sungie, I don't want to become the king, O my God spare me". Minhyuk stated nervously. "O God Hyung, You are half fifty two act mature. And also you are just one step away from becoming the king of Casentino" Seungmin said annoyed making Minho and Jisung burst into laughter.

"You guys don't understand, I'm nervous as hell, what if I mess up and what if the people don't like me, what if-" Minhyuk said as Minho groaned in annoyance. "Tsk Hyung, What's with these negative thoughts. You are going  to be fine. We believe in you, You'll do good, I know that. Think positive and remember what you are capable of. You won't mess up. You Can Do It! Fighting Hyung"

Minho's words helped Minhyuk a lot to calm down. He gave a cheerful smile and a hug to Minho as he said "thanks know I'm proud to have you as my little brother right" Minho smiled at his Hyung as he said "It's okay Hyung, I know I'm one in a million but we need to get you ready quickly. We don't have much time."

"Yeah you definitely would not want Mom Hyori to pull your ears and drag you to the court right" Seungmin said as Minho and Jisung laughed and Minhyuk groaned in annoyance.
It was finally the time for Minhyuk to go to the Royal Court and take up the responsibility of king. Minho Jisung and Seungmin escorted him to the court as everyone stood up and bowed to the Crown Prince.

Minhyuk walked up the stairs to the platform where his mother stood with the crown in her hand. Hyori gave his son a warm smile as she put the crown on his head. Minhyuk now had to address the citizens as he said

"I, Lee Minhyuk, the new king of Casentino takes the oath to fight for my kingdom and protect them from every evil, to bring justice to everyone who comes to me for help,to give my kingdom the first priority and to bring joy and happiness to everyone in this Empire. I will walk on my Father's path and take our kingdom to new heights. But, I expect every Casentinian to stand together during every hardship, to maintain peace and harmony in the kingdom and to be honest with everything. United we stand, Divided we fall. Casentino, Fly High"

As Minhyuk finished his speech, every Casentinian clapped for their new king. Hyori had tears of happiness in her eyes as she gave her son a proud smile. Minho Jisung and Seungmin had smiles of happiness on their faces as they gave Minhyuk a round of applause. Everyone was proud of Minhyuk, as they should be.


Take care❤

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