Chapter 29

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Author's POV :

"Your Majesty, the Latverian Kingdom has started attacking our Kingdom" A soldier rushed into Hyunwoo's room where Chan and Hyunjin were also present.

"Get the army ready! Now" Hyunwoo ordered as the soldier nodded and ran out of them room. "I'll go too Appa" Chan insisted as Hyunwoo said "No Chan, you won't! And I don't want any argument this time"

Chan new this would happen but he then said "If this war goes to anything serious, I'll go, okay and please don't stop me this time."

Hyunwoo tsked as he nodded his head as a yes. Chan left the room as he went to his chamber only to find Minho sleeping peacefully. Chan smiled as he made his way to the window with a book in his hand and he started reading.

After a while, Minho woke up only to find Chan reading a book. "Hey Chan" He said as Chan looked up and replied " hey min, u up?" Minho nodded his head as he asked " Channie..who is Changbin?"

Chan looked at Minho as he answered "He is my....step brother" Minho's eyes widened as he said. "Your step brother...How??"

Chan sighed as he said " My mom and Changbins mother were two twin sisters. Even though their faces were same, their personalities were absolute opposites. Where one hand,Mom was lovely sweet and kind hearted. On the other hand Jihye was the queen of all evil. Both of them were married to Appa. Appa loved and respected both of them equally but even after that Jihye was always jealous of mom for unknown reasons. There were many times she tried to kill mom, but she miserably failed. When me and Changbin were born, even if we were step brothers, we both were like best brothers forever. But Jihye always used to provoke Changbin against me. And one day when I was 6 nd he was 5
..Changbin crossed all his limits. I was in a library with Hyunjin's dad and he tried to burn the whole library down. I was thankfully saved by hyunjin's dad, but he lost his life. When the knews reached dad's ears, he disowned Changbin and his mom Jihye. Changbin since that day hates me and when I was 15 he demanded dad to give him a part of the kingdom, and to avoid any mishap, Dad gave him a piece of land which is now Latveria. Changbin still wants me dead and thus he always attacks our Kingdom." Chan looked up at Minho who had glossy eyes now.

Minho said with gritted teeth" I never knew someone could be  selfish to extent that it will make that person hurt her own family." "Shh Min! It's okay, Don't say like that, she's my aunt afterall"

Minho looked at Chan with pure adoration in his eyes as he said "How can you be so pure.. You are a literal angel " This made Chan burst out in a wide smile. Minho looked at him, his heart was beating loudly in his chest as he thought 'don't make me fall for you more Chan' .


Take Care❤

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