Chapter 9

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Author's POV:

The next day in the royal court of Casentino -

The chancellor, Jisung's Dad, said "Your majesty, we have a messanger from Ravaryn" Minhyuk perked up at the the mention of the rival kingdom but still asked for the messenger to be sent in.

The messenger came in the court as he bowed infront of King Minhyuk. Minhyuk then asked him to convey Hyunwoo's message to him. The messenger nodded as he said "Your imperial majesty, Our King sent me to your kingdom to inform you about his arrival in Casentino tomorrow morning"

Minhyuk looked at the messenger in confusion but still nodded to his words as the messanger bowed to him and left the court.

In Minho's Chamber:
" Minnie, you are going to lose~~" Minho teased Seungmin, so as to distract him from the game. But Seungmin did not even lose his focus as he replied " Are you serious hyung, me and losing in Jenga have no connection at all, i have defeated you many times remember?" Minho groaned in irritation as Seungmin once again won the game.

Minho and Seungmin were busy playing when Jisung barged into the room. Minho looked at him and asked " Sungie, what happened, why are you so worked up?".

"O My God Min, you would be shocked to know this but The king of Ravaryn is coming tomorrow" both Minho and Seungmin looked at Jisung with wide eyes. Seungmin blinked his eyes several times as he asked "Wait what, but why"

Jisung shrugged as he said " I dont know. But the king of Ravaryn sent a messenger today to the royal court to inform us about his arrival tomorrow"

Minho and Seungmin nodded as they prayed that nothing bad would happen tomorrow.

The next morning, everyone in the Casentino palace got ready to welcome the Ravaryn King. Minhyuk, Hyori, Minho, Jisung and Seungmin with some other ministers were at the Castle's gate, as Hyunwoo arrived and walked upto Minhyuk who shook hands with him and welcomed him to the kingdom.

Hyunwoo congratulated Minhyuk on his coronation and said " The motive for me to come to Casentino is to talk to you about my kingdom, Ravaryn's future, so if you please, can i talk to you in private?"

Minhyuk looked at him in confusion but he nodded his head as a yes, as he led Hyunwoo to the guest area.


Take Care❤️

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