Chapter 30

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Author's POV :

Ravaryn was slowly losing against Latveria. Changbin's army had nuclear weapons which were slowly destroying Ravaryn. Hyunwoo went to the war but was badly injured and I currently being treated. All the royal stuff was now managed by Chan with Hyunjin's help.

Chan is supposed to go to the war today but today is his 25th birthday. Jinsol has been requesting Chan to not got to war as she knew that if he went, he won't come back.

On the other hand Minho had deeply fallen in love with Chan, but does Chan or anyone know about this? No.

Chan is currently with Jinsol who was continuously requesting him not to go the war. "Mom listen! I am the crown prince. I have to take up the responsibility of the king when he not there. That means I have to go to the war too right. Try to understand. I can't be a coward. I have to go and please don't say anything more on this." Chan said as he left the room

Hyunjin caught up at Chan as he said "Hyung, let me go this time. It's your birthday afterall." Chan looked at Hyunjin with disbelief "Why is everyone stopping me to go to the war, and no u won't go. I am the crown prince, it my no argument Hyunjinnie."

Meanwhile with Minho-

Minho was humming a soft tune when Jisung barged into his room and said"Chan hyung is going to the war." Minho replied " I Know that" jisung rolled his eyes as he continued "And if he goes, he'll never come back"Minho stopped doing whatever he was as looked at jisung with a questioning look.

Jisung explained the whole thing to Minho, who now had tears running down his cheeks. "If you love Chan Hyung, the don't be too late and if you don't, then forget whatever I said" Jisung said as he ran to Chan to stop him.

Minho's legs gave up as he fell to the ground. He just can't let his love die infront of his eyes when he knows he can save him. Minho quickly ran to the court where Chan was standing along with Hyunjin, Jinsol and Jisung who were trying to stop him from going.

Minho ran towards Chan as he quickly went and stood infront of him. Chan looked at him as he said " Min, please now you also don't stop me from going, I don't know why everyone is stopping me from going to the war, first dad then mom then Hyunjin and also jisung, now please you don't start. I just wanted to tell you that I am in love with you, just in case I do not return-"

Chan was cut off by his words when Minho quickly shut him with a kiss. Minho kept on kissing Chan who was too taken aback to even respond, but he quickly kissed him back. After a while Minho broke the kiss. He put his forehead against Chan and held his face as he said "U speak alot Mr.husband and also You will comeback! You have too! I love you too and you have to fight out that demon for me and comeback all fine and healthy. U get it Bangchan??"

Minho said while crying as Chan felt tears roll down his cheeks too. After hearing Minho's words he started laughing along with Minho while tears were still flowing down their cheeks as Chan said "I promise I'll come back..just for you"


Take Care❤

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