Chapter 27

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Author's POV :

A month later, In the Royal Court of Ravaryn-

A Ravarynian spy came to the court, panting heavily and sweat dripping off his face. "What's wrong Sungho?" Hyunwoo asked confusedly. "Your Majesty-, The Latverian Empire is.... planning an...attack...on our Kingdom" the spy named Sungho replied as he tried to catch his breath.

Hyunwoo perked up at the mention of the empire, fear taking all over his, his heart started beating fast and he started sweating. Chan noticed all of this "Dad, I wanna talk." Chan said as he walked out of the court along with Hyunwoo.

In Chan's room -
"Dad, here, have some water" Chan said as he held a glass of water infront of Hyunwoo. Hyunwoo took the glass and drank the water as Chan kneeled infront of him and said " Appa, why are you worrying so much. We have always defeated Latveria right. You know, when you worry about useless things, it's not a very good thing for your health. So calm down and chill, it's going to be okay. Changbin can do nothing big, of course."

Hyunwoo knew his son was right, he knew they could defeat Latveria. He knew they were stronger than Changbins empire but he other than this, he knew that he can't let anyone harm his kingdom, he knew Changbin knew the secret and he also knew that he had the power weapon.

But he just nodded at his son and left the room to have a word with Jinsol. Chan looked at his Dad, thinking that he had finally made his Dad understand, but he didn't know how wrong he was.

Hyunwoo was currently in his room with his wife as he whispered "What am I going to do now". Jinsol broke down into more tears as Hyunwoo continued " I feel so weak at this point, I feel so useless. If Changbin attacks I can't do anything to save my kingdom to save my people, to save my own family, to save my own Son. I have never felt so useless before. I can't even let Chan know anything-"

"What can't you let Chan Hyung know" 

Hyunwoo's breath hitched as he heard the familiar voice. He looked at Jinsol before turning back, only to see Hyunjin and Jisung who were staring at them with a questioning look.

"Hyunwoo-shii, what is it" jisung asked as Hyunwoo looked down. Thinking of an excuse to give.

Hyunjin stood infront of Hyunwoo as he asked " What is it Appa, tell me the truth not an excuse. Give me the reason why you are freaking out on the news. And I repeat, tell me the clear truth."

"Hyunjin-ah, I cant-"
"At this point, u have to"

Hyunwoo looked at Jinsol as he took a deep breath
"Okay, then listen....


Take Care❤

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