Chapter 10

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Author's POV :

Minho was pacing back and forth in his room thinking about what and why Hyunwoo wanted to talk to Minhyuk about and that too in private..!

"Goodness me Hyung, will you stop moving from left to right and blah blah..My head and eyes hurt from watching you do so." Jisung said as he felt dizzy by watching Minho go from left to right then vice versa.

"Yes Hyung, stop moving and sit down, You stressing over anything will not change anything, Geunyang da naeryeonoko modu chill out now."
Seungmin added.

Minho sighed at his friends' words as he realized they were right. He then said " How come you guys always say the right thing?? "

"Because we have a brain that we use to think about good stuff, unlike you, who wastes his brain to worry about absolutely nothing" seungmin said. "Now Lee Minho if you don't sit down this instant I'll shave your head" Jisung threatened as Minho quickly sat down after it.

Meanwhile with Minhyuk and Hyunwoo:

There was an awkward silence between the two Kings as no one spoke a single word since they entered the room. Hyunwoo didn't know how to say the thing he wanted to whereas Minhyuk waited for Hyunwoo to say something as he was the one who wanted to talk.

After more few minutes of silence, Minhyuk finally decided to lead the conversation as he said
"Hyunwoo-shii, what do you want to talk about ??". As Hyunwoo heard his words he looked up and started to freak out but calmed himself.

Hyunwoo then said " Umm Minhyuk-shii, what I am going to say will freak you out but hold yourself and hear me out please" Minhyuk raised his eyebrow in confusion at the king's words but still nodded and asked him to continue.

" The reason why I am hear is to make the relation between Ravaryn and Casentino better, I want your younger brother Minho to marry my son and the Crown Prince of Ravaryn, Bangchan"

On hearing this Minhyuk for up from his seat in disbelief as he said " What makes you think that I'll agree on this. Don't you know the relation between our kingdoms." Hyunwoo's eyes turned glossy as he said " Please Minhyuk don't say no, it about my son's life, please don't diagree" Minhyuk furrowed his eyes in confusion as he said "Explain".

Hyunwoo nodded as he started explaining everything to Minhyuk and by the time Hyunwoo finished speaking, Minhyuk's eyes were wide open and his mouth was in the shape of an O. Hyunwoo already had tears running down his cheeks.

Minhyuk pulled Hyunwoo in a hug to calm him down as he said " I'm so sorry for you Hyunwoo-shi, I freaked out before letting you explain everything. Minho will marry Chan don't worry." Minhyuk gave Hyunwoo a reassuring smile as he then ordered for the royal meeting to be called.


A/N - Sorry but I won't write the reason for the marriage now. Can't spoil the fun...hehe :-) u will soon come to know tho-anyways

Take Care❤

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