Chapter 4

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Author's POV :

The whole Casentinian Royal Palace was decorated beautifully with colourful and fragrant flowers. Well it was not for the first time that the palace was decorated like a Queen. Everytime a war was over, it was like a ritual to welcome them.

" Your highness, the queen has requested the three of you to come down" a servant said whom Hyori had sent to inform her son and his "two best friends for life". "Okay, tell mom we are coming" Minho said as the servant nodded and left.

"Sung where is my bracelet that Appa gifted me" Minho asked panicking as he was not able to find the bracelet that his Father gifted him on his 18th birthday. That was his favorite accessory afterall.

"Tsk Min, how am I supposed to know about it. Seungmin is your assistant, not me!" Jisung said and Minho looked at Seungmin with an eyebrow lift up. Seungmin sighed as he went to Minho's bed, took one of his pillows, took out the cotton from it, and there it was....Minho's bracelet.

Jisung was looking at all of this with wide open eyes and opened mouth (A/N - he's sho cutee~). Minho acted innocent as he asked "Why was my bracelet there."

Seungmin rolled his eyes as he said " Oh com'mon hyung you definitely remember the day when we were about to go on a kingdom your and you were scared to wear it outside. So you told me to hide it in the pillow for some dumb reasons. Now stop with your innocent act and also. Sung hyung, close your mouth if you don't want to feast on insects"

Minho blinked his eyes several times before giving Seungmin a sheepish smile, making him scoff in fake annoyance. He passed the bracelet to Minho who wore it as they made their way to the Castle gate.

As they reached there, Hyori looked at them with her hands crossed staring at the boys with a questioning look. The three of them gave her an apologetic look.

At a distance they could see Minhyuk coming with his army. Minho looked so happy to his brother after a while that he started jumping a little. Minhyuk got off his horse as he made his way towards his mother who hugged him.

He then went to Minho who literally threw himself on Minhyuk. After breaking the hug with Minho he greeted Seungmin and jisung with hugs too. Minhyuk always treated them as his own younger brothers.

Then Minho said "Hyung close your eyes and show your hand. " Minhyuk obeyed as he closed his eyes and put his hand forward. When Minho asked him to open his eyes, he looked at his hand and saw the beautiful floral bracelet made of white and red roses.

Minho smiled and excitedly asked Minhyuk " Hyungie do you like it. I made it myself" Minhyuk looked at Minho and smiled as he said "It's beautiful MinMin. I love it. Thank you so much "

Minho happily smiled as he said " Really Hyung. I made one for Appa too. Where is he?" hearing this Minhyuk's little smile dropped as he stared at the ground. That grabbed Hyori's attention too. Minho's smile dropped too as his eyes became glossy.

Ofc Minho was no child, he knew what could have happened but still he asked again "Hyung look at me. Where is Dad?" Minhyuk looked at his mother and brother with glossy eyes as he shook his head from left to right. Hyori fell to the ground and tears started falling from her eyes.

And Minho, he looked at his brother with tears falling from his eyes as he looked at his mom and said "Mumma don't cry, Hyung is just joking. Right Hyung?" he stared at Minhyuk with hope. Minhyuk burst into tears at this and it was enough for Minho to stumble back. But he did not fall as Jisung and Seungmin, who were already crying at the news and at their bestfriend's state, held him for support.

Minho got out from their grip and went towards his room and locked himself in. Jisung and Seungmin tried stopping him but failed. Minhyuk knew this was bound to happen and he could not do anything. He just sat beside his mother, hugged her and let her cry.


Take care❤

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