Phone Numbers.

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I walk into science class just like every normal day. I see mj and go seat by her as usual.

"Hey y/n my dad asked if you wanna go to his lab again after school today. He said he had some new experiments he wanted you to see." She says not taking her eyes off her paper.

"Uh duh his lab is so cool dude." I say taking my backpack off.

"Not really buts its whatever, meet me at my house at 5 ok?"


"So...have you talked to kate yet?"

"Mj no we are not doing this again." I sigh.

"Im just saying...wait.."

"What?" I look at her confused.

"If you go talk to her i will get you a red slushy from the gas station." A smirk appears on mjs face.

"..." i go silent. "Okay fine! But it has to be a large cup." She nods and i put my hesd onto the desk.

"Cheer up i bet she'll like you." Mj tells me.

"How? First of all shes popular since the whole hawkeye thing and second shes way to pretty. Im a literal scrawny kid waiting to get beat up."

"Shut up. Your not plus kate is really sweet i talked to her."

"You talked to her?!" I yelp a little bit.

"Y/n do we have a problem?" The teacher looks at me.

" mrs.anderson." I say shaking my head. She continues to teach while im thinking a million ways to talk to kate.


The bells rings at everybody runs out like dogs.

"Hey mj..."

"Huh?" She says as she puts her notebook in her backpack.

"Who let the dogs out?" I say wheezing and pointing to the door of students trying to get out. She starts laughing and we make it out the door last. I have english next and im thinking of ways to talk to kate.

"Maybe be like is this seat open ya know?" Mj tries to give me advice.

"No mj i dont no this is a bad plan." I begin to back out.

"Y/n do you want the slushy or not?" Mj raises her eyebrows.

"Fine." I sigh we walk over to our english class and i see kate. Wow. She looks extremely good today..well she looks good everyday but today holy smokes.

"Y/n cmon lets go." Mj nudges me. I snap out of it and begin to walk into the class. I walk over to kates table a take a deep breath.

"I-is..ahem is this seat taken?" I say shaking.

"" She looks at me confused. I nod and sat my backpack down and sit next to her.

"Y/n you ok?" She says looking at me worried. Holy shoot holy shoot she knows my name.

"Ahem..yes i am amazing actually." I give her a small smile. The teacher hands out a test and i see kate write down answer b. "Its a." I say quietly still keeping eyes glued to my paper.

"How do you-"

"Because its a." I say finishing up my test. "Im done." I get up and place the test on the teachers desk she smiles and nods at me. I could feel kates eyes glued to me the whole time, "why are you staring bishop?" I say as my voice cracks a little bit.

"I was not-"

"y-yeah okay." I laugh at myself. I see kate write something down on a piece of paper.

"Here." She hands me it.

"Whats this-" she puts her two fingers over my mouth shushing me. I look at her confused but nod. I put the paper in my pocket and read a book.


The bell rings and i grab my backpack.

"Thanks for the answer, parker." Kate thanks me.

"Yeah no problem." I say sighing as i leave the class. Kate catches up to me. Wait the kate bishop is walking after me hold up WHAT-

"Dont forget to check the paper, parker." She says and winks at me.

"Y-yeah of-of course," i say shaking. She walks off. Hold on is this a dream. I pull myself together and head to the cafe to meet up with mj and peter. i see ned and mj but no pete. I walk towards them and sit next to mj.

"So how did it go?" Mj smirks at me.

"I dont know she gave me this piece of paper and winked at me." I say confused.

"Well check what is says." Ned buts in. "Wait who are we talking about."

"Kate." Mj rolls her eyes at ned.

"Oh yeah." He chuckles and eats his fries. I take the paper out of my pocket and unfold it. I feel myself about to black out.

"Well what is it?" Ned asks.

"Numbers." Mj and ned look at each other confused.

"Phone." I say my eyes widen. Mjs mouth drops open and neds does the same.

"So- so let me get this straight you got THE KATE BISHOPS number." Ned says trying not to stutter. I nod slowly still looking at he number. Mj starts to smile proudly.

"I did this," she says smiling at me.

"Wow." I say taking a deep breath.

"What are you guys talking about?" I immediately flinch since Peter scared me.

"Dude dont ever do that." Ned says holding his heart.

"Jeez well sorry."

"Anyways..i got kate, yes the kate bishops number." I say proudly. He mouth falls open.

"I did this." Mj buts in.

"Wait freshman crush kate?!" peter looks at me with wide eyes. I nod fast.

"THAT IS AMAZING." Peter yelps.

"Peter quiet down!" Mj looks at him.

"Oh yes yes sorry." He says smiling.


A/n: im very excited for this book hope yall enjoy it. I wont post everyday just the days i feel motivated. Also what will happen next will y/n call kate??

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