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I groan at my alarm going off and hit it hard making it crush into pieces.

"Shit." I groan. Well todays gonna be something. I decide im not gonna go to school today. Peter, ned, and mj agreed also. We figure out what to do and thats gonna be a team meeting. I open the group chat.


Nerds 101🔒

mj👾 "Everybody awake?" I read her message.

Y/n🥁 "Sadly :,)" i reply.

Computer man🔋 "Guys my grandma said we can have the meeting at my house."

Y/n🥁 "Cool thanks ned."

Peter 🚀 "yeah meet you guys there."


Me and peter both agreed to not spider-man? Hero? Siblings? Were still working on the name. For a while. I stretch and get out of bed taking a shower. I brush my teeth in the shower to kill time. Once im out i dry my hair comb it, then put some lotion on. I grab some dark blue loose jeans and a white tee shirt. I have to lay low. I grab a nike black and white hoodie and put some air jordans on. I sigh and grab my keys and phone. I see Peter waiting for me in the living room. I give him a nod and we make our way to my car. 


I knock on neds door.

"Hey guys." Ned opens the door. Me and peter greet ned and walk in. We decide to talk in neds room knowing anyone could be listening.

"Okay so whats the plan?" Ned asks as he shuts his blinds.

"Im thinking you bribe her." Mj tells me.

"What no!" I reply.

"Fine do you have a better plan?" Mj asks.

", but we are not bribing her!" I say back.

"How about we just talk to her?" Peter buts in.

"Good idea but how?- Like oh oh at school!" I say making them all nod.

"I mean were not in jail yet so what do we have to loose?" Peter tells me.

"Our lives, our friends, our aunt, our-" i get cut off.

"Y/n!" Ned shouts.

"Oh sue me!" I shout back.


I park  my car in the school lot. Me and peter take a deep breath. Shes just kate. Shes just kate. All of a sudden im back to the little nervous scrawny kid i used to be. I shake off my thoughts and get out of the car. Since me and peter were like 2 hrs late, we just claimed to had a doctors appointment so we got a pass. Me and peter walk into to math waiting for lunch time. I see harry and wave to him. I wait through the class being anxious. It can ether go really good or really bad. No in between. The bell rings making me jump since i was so far into my thoughts. I give peter the nod and we walk to the cafe. We see kate with her friends also walking to the cafe. Just as were about to reach her flash shoves me into a locker.

"Shit." I groan.

"I told you this wasnt over parker." He picks me up by my collar shoving me against the lockers. Everybody's eyes were on me, even kates.

"Cmon flash put her down!" Peter shouts.

"Aw your little brother gonna defend you?" Flash teases pete. "Fine i'll fight both of you." He punches peter square in the mouth making him fall back. Well fuck you. I push him back against the lockers behind him. I see peters nose bleeding.

"Get them flash!" I hear a yell.

"You little-" i cut flash off punching him in the jaw. He falls back unconscious. Me and peter look at each other with wide eyes. I see everyone in a crowd circled around me flash and peter. I gulp at what i just done. I see kate dash down the halls.

"Pete!" i shout pointing at kate. Me and peter dart after her. She locks herself in a classroom not opening the door.

"Kate please we just wanted to talk!" I say to her on the other side of the door.

"What the hell was that y/n! That was not you." She sniffles. I close my eyes sighing.

"Go." I mouth to peter. "I got this." He nods and leaves i toss him my keys.

"Kate you know i only did that because he hit peter." I say calmly.

"The y/n i knew would have just talked her way out of it instead of using violence!" She shouts back.

"Kate please.." i try and think of words. "I cant help it i-i've changed."  Bad move,

"Well maybe we shouldnt even be together then! Maybe i should just tell the avengers." She says i hear my heartbeat stop a little. What have i done?

"I-if thats what you want." I sigh. I hear the door unlock and it opens the tiniest bit.

"You know thats not what i meant." She looks through the tiny crack.

"Yeah..its okay if you did." I sigh look at her as she opens the door fully. Once it's open fully she crashes into my arms giving me the warmest hug ever.

"I didnt though." She pulls away.

"If you did its fine kate."

"But i didnt."

"But if you did its okay. I dont wanna force you." At that moment she kisses my lips smiling into it. We pull away and im confused.

"There is the y/n i know. Now stay that way." She looks at me. I nod slowly. "I wont tell them just be careful." We hear teachers coming through the hall so we book it toeards the exit.

"I kinda gave peter my keys." I itch the back of my head.

"Cant you swing?" She looks at me confused.

"Give me one second." I run back into the school. I make it the the bathroom ripping off my clothes. Once my suits on i crawl onto the ceiling putting my mask and backpack on. I sneakily sneak back out where i see kate. "Ready?" She raises her eyebrows. Before she answers i grab her by the waist and start swinging from trees to stoplights. Once we get out there a bit more i start swinging onto towers. I take her too my tower. I set her down and see her eyes widen a bit.

"Y/n oh- oh my gosh." Her goes into my the crook of my neck. I laugh at her actions.

"Its okay kate watch." I remove her hands off my chest and head. I walk towards the edge and look down. I nod to myself and run towards the other edge of the tower. I get a running start and then jump off. "WOOOO!" I leap off face first. I flick my wrist making it web to a tower. I start swinging and land back on the One World Trade Center. I see kate covering her mouth.

"I thought you died!" Her mouth falls open. I start laughing and hug her. She gets comfortable and lays down taking a breath. I lay next to her taking my mask off.

"Im sorry.." i break the silence.

"For what?" She sits up.

"For lying..i just wanted to protect you..but i forgot you are an avenger." I chuckle.

"Finally." She laughs at me. I sit up with her. She leans in and so do i. Our lips crash onto each others i tilt my head making the kiss deeper. I mean at least i got my happy ending. I pull away from the kiss, i feel a tingle. Wait who the hell is that guy?! Hes dressed in well green..and hes on some kind of hover board..and kinda looks like a goblin. I pull my mask back on. What the hell?


AND THATS IT FOLKS FOR THIS BOOK. DO NOT WORRY THERE WILL BE THE NEW BOOK COMING OUT SOON!!! It will BE CALLED 'honoring and forgetting.' For the time being pt.2!! I kinda hated this chapter but hoped yall enjoyed this book.

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