Clint And Kate.

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Me and harry arrive at aunt mays apartment and walk up to our floor. I unlock the door and see mj and ned sitting on our couch.

"Uh hey guys?" im confused.

"Hey y/ remember the thing we were talking about at school. The.." Ned proceeds to do a karate chop and kick.

"Uh..yeah." Im still confused.

"We found them." Shit.


"Oh hey harry!" Peter comes out of his room. "Shit harry!" He shuts his door hard. Im guessing our suits were in there.

"Umm..?" Harry stares at all of us weirdly.

"Hey ned and mj can i talk to you in peters room alone please." I ask. They all nod quickly and we walk to petes room. I shut the door behind me.

"What the hell y/n why is harry here!?" Peter shouts whispers at me.

"I didnt know we were gonna find them..TODAY." I shout whisper back.

"Guys guys calm down its okay. Me and Mj will distract harry while you guys.." Ned throws up a rock sign and flings his wrist like us. Peter sighs and i roll my eyes.

"Just whatever." I sigh. What a shit plan. I say to myself.

"Lets go!" Pete says as ned and mj leave the room.

"I have to get change idiot!" I whisper yell at him. I walk into his bathroom and begin changing. "Shit!" I struggle to get my jeans off.

"Are you okay?" Peter asks from the other side of the door.

"No peter im brutality getting attacked by ants. YES IM OKAY!" I whisper yell. I am not in the mood today, i was planning on taking a day off but no. I finally get my suit on and grab my mask.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Born ready." As i say that i put my mask on and we jump out his window.


"WOOOO!" I yell swinging from building the building.

"Dude there over there! Take a left." Peter yells and i nod taking a left. We land on a roof not that far from ground. I see holy shit is that hawkeye?! And..KATE?!

"Pete do you see what im seeing." I ask nudging him.

"Hawkeye and your girlfriend." He laughs at that last part.

"Shut up!" I punch his arm. "Damn they look like they need some help." I say sighing know what were about to do.

"Well thats give them some." Pete replies.

We swing onto a light post and make our way down. We land behind the 'track suit mafia'? What a shit name. I hold in my wheeze from my thoughts. I see clint react to us landing and i put a finger over my mouth motioning for him to shut the hell up so we dont get caught. He nods a little not making it obvious but kate of course screams like a dying baby.

"AHHH WHAT THE HELL." Making the tracksuits turn around.

"Arent they the spider heros?" One asks.

"Well..i guess?" Pete shrugs. They charge at both of us and me and Peter effortlessly dodge.

"Too slow." I smile underneath my mask landing behind one and kicking him from behind. The guy grabs my shoulder and i head butt him. He lets go and holds his head in pain i sweep his leg making him groan and not get up. Hawkeye shoots one with his bow and kate begins punching one over and over again doing kicks. Well shit. Once we got all 5 of them down i finally have time to catch my breathe.

"Well who the hell are you guys?" clint asks.

"O-oh were well..spider heros? Spider siblings? I dont know nice to meet you hawkeye." I say as im panting from the kicking.

"Yeah nice to meet you." Peter sticks out a hand but gets rejected. Peter looks at me which i shrug and he takes his hand back.

"Have the avengers heard of you guys yet?" Clint asks.

"Well- no." Peter replies

"Take off the mask." Kate buts in

"No." Peter says.

"Do it." Clint tells us.

"No." I reply.

"You guys have to come with us." Hawkeye tells us.

"Sorry gotta go." I web myself to the light post and peter does the same.

"Hey get back down here!"

"Bye mr hawkeye and random girl i totally dont know." I smile under my mask as i say kates part. Me and peter begin swinging back to the apartment. This time i go into his window unsure if harrys in my room. Aw shit harry. Once were both in peter closes the windows making us both let out a sigh of relief. Then ned busts though the door.

"Hey guys!" i slam the door shut hoping harry didnt see us in our suits.

"NED HARRY!" I say face palming myself.

"Oh yeah about harry he said his dad called him for something and he had to go. He got picked up in some fancy limo i dont really know." Ned shrugs. I sigh. "So how did it go?"

"It went good."

"Yeah and we ran into hawkeye and kate." Peter says.

"No way! Thats like awesome. So you guys met THE hawkeye?!" Ned starts freaking out.

"Yes yes we did now i have to shower. I think i broke a rib." I say as i walk to my room groaning. I take a 30 minute shower and pick up some sweats and a crewneck. I finally flop onto the bed hoping to take a nap. And i did getting 2 hours of shut eye.

*knock knock*

"Ugh what time is it?" I question myself and look at my alarm. 6pm great. I open my bedroom door to see kate standing there. "Uhh..?" Im very confused why shes here?

"Hey.." she smiles at me and i allow her in my room.

"Whats up bishop?" I ask.

"First of all i miss you, and i have a story!" she giggles like a kid which i smile at.

"Tell me and i miss you too." She sits down on my bed.

"Okay so while me and hawkeye were fighting some bad guys the spider heros came! It was so cool they were like *flwip* pew pew bam boom." Kate states making me go into a fit of laughter. "Im not joking! It was so cool. And im pretty sure the purple one is a girl!"

"Now what you got a thing for spiders?" I say wheezing.

"No! I mean no." She says shaking her head. I sit down next to her and turn my face to her on the bed. Our faces inches apart. I feel her hot breath against my face just like in the bathroom. I see her freeze up and my body tensing. "I-i.." she starts stuttering.



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