What Kind Of Sleep Over Is This?

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"What brings you around?" I ask leaning on my bathroom door frame.


"What do you mean?" Kate asks.

"Your trying to find something bishop, but you cant. Thats in-fact why you came to my house right?" I say smirking at her.


Peter 🚀

"Y/n meet outside in 5." I read in my head

"Wait till kates gone shes looking for our suits and sus things since the oscorp incident." I type.


I quickly take off my mask and suit shove it in my closet.


"M-me and my mom havent been on the same page since h-hawkeye recruited me."Kate sighs. I slowly nod. "I just wanted to get out of the house."

"I see." I reply. "You can stay here if you want." I tell her looking her in the eye.


"She said y-." I cut myself off as i see Kates eyes in my closet the closet doors open and clothes everywhere and shes holding a piece of cloth. I gulp. Oh shit-


"What are you looking at.." i say shaking so scared as my heart dropped to my stomach. I mean i cant let kate now im a freak?! She'll not like me anymore. These powers are a blessing and a curse.

"When were you gonna tell me you still had this shirt!" She smiles at me then frowns.
"Y/n are you okay?!" She tells me.

"Katherine bishop I swear to the lord-"


"Nothing." I take a deep breath and begin putting all my clothes back into my closet. Where the hell is my suit? I think to myself. I hear my phone ding and rush over to it.

Peter 🚀

"Looking for this?"


He sends me a picture..OF MY SUIT?! My eyes widen.

"Whats wrong you okay?" Kate asks.

"Yep mhm." I start smiling. I shut off my phone deciding to leave peter on read. "You can take the bed-" i get cut off.

"Uh no we are sleeping in your tiny ass bed." She smirks at me.

"W-what?" I gulp. See im a virgin like virgin never slept in a bed with a girl held hands with one. Kate was technically my first kiss...well on the cheek if you count that. I get snapped back into reality.

"You heard me." She smiles looking me dead in the eye. I look at anything else. There goes my confidence. I sigh.

"Y-yeah. I have to shower." She nods as i grab a few clothes from my dresser and go to the bathroom.


I comb my hair and brush my teeth. And walk out hanging my towel.

"Here are some clothes." I hand kate some basketball shorts and a white tee.

"Thanks." She says. She gets up from my bed and starts taking off her shirt in the middle of the room.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" My hands immediately fly over my eyes.

"Changing? Dont be a perv parker." She grins at me. Oh she knows what shes doing. I turn around shutting my eyes closed tightly praying this could be over oh so soon. "Done." She smiles at me and i nod. Totally not traumatized. We get in bed and its a little well too small.

"Just let me lay ontop of you."


"there will be more room."




"Just-" she begins repositioning herself.

"no." I say silently dying inside from this traumatic experience.

"There see." Oh wow now the girl of my dreams is ontop of me at least i can move around more.

"What kind of sleep over is this?" I mumble half asleep.

"A good one." She kisses my cheek and lays her head on my chest. I try not to hyperventilate or she will feel my breathing patterns switch. "Goodnight parker." She tells me as she pulls the blankets over both of us.

"Night lover girl." I say. After 20 minutes i hear small snores coming from the girl ontop of me. My hands wrap around her waist as i drift off into sleep.


Short one cause why not.??

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