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I wake up to my alarm going off. Another shit day at school. I groan and slap myself. I stretch a little before sitting on the edge of my bed. I pick up my phone and see and message from mj.


"Hey y/n, can you pick me up today?" I read out loud.

"Yeah i'll be there in 20." I type back. I shut my phone off and decide to have a little fun with my powers. I web my toothbrush and fling it towards me. I web my toothpaste and do the same. I put the toothpaste on the tooth brush and start brushing my teeth. I web my radio pressing the play button making it play 'stand by me' by ben king. I continue brushing my teeth and fling my hand making a web come out shooting towards my dresser. The draw opens and i pick out some clothes. I put on some light blue loose jeans and a white t shirt. I slip on a blue and black flannel and some air jordan 1s. I pick up my backpack and keys. I put my phone in my pocket like usual and knock on peters door.

"Hurry up pete i have to pick up mj." I say sighing.

"Okay okay give me a minute!" I hear from the other side of the door. I remember my suit being in my closet and decide to shove it underneath my mattress. I cant risk anyone finding it. I say to myself. I get it under my mattress and walk out to the kitchen snatching an apple.

"Good morning." Aunt may smiles at me and kisses my forehead.

"Morning may." I smile at her. Peter walks out of his room holding his backpack on one shoulder. "Look who decides to come out." I smile and we walk out the front door.


"Hop in the back." I say to mj she nods. She gets in the back and sits in the middle of the backseat. "So mj whats gonna happen with your dad?" I ask.

"Uh i guess they said hes fired but he found a new job at stark industries." I slowly nod.

"Also i saw you guys on the news last night saving that kid." She says smiling.

"Oh yeah.." peter says.

"It was a interesting night." I smile.


I arrive at my first class, english. I see ned and sit by him.

"Any update on the tracksuits?" I ask.

"Well yeah actually. I heard hawkeyes involved with it-"

"Shit that means kates involved with it." I whisper to him.

"Why are you guys dating?!" He asks.

"No but-..just no." I say frustrated.

"Moving on- the tracksuits were spotted last at the fire, but I heard off the street that they will be at the bank trying to do a robbery." He says.

"Which one?"

"The bank of america tower." He replies.

"Well shit." I say shaking my head. "When are they gonna do it?" I ask.

"I assume night time so 11pm-2am" he whispers to me. I nod.

"Okay thanks. Be up at that time ok?" I tell him.

"I got you guys." We do are hand shake.


"Look who it is penis parker and his stupid sister." I sigh of exhaustion from last night.

"Can we not do this today flash?" I ask.

"cAn wE nOT dO tHIs tOdAY fLAsH?" He mocks me. I look away. "Your little girlfriend isnt here to protect you now you virgin ass!" He shoves me making me fall off my seat.

"Dude chill!" Peter says helping me up. I see everybody laughing including flash. I throw my lunch away and walk out of the cafeteria. Peter follows behind me. "You okay?" He asks.

"Im good, you good?" i reply.

"Never better." He sighs and we walk to our lockers. I see kate and she pulls me aside.

"Well whats up parker cant return one call?" She says. Shit shit shit.

"Im sorry- i forgot and fell asleep." I say shaking my head and closing my eyes.

"Its fine, are you okay?"

"Im fine." I Reply to her and walk off. She follows me as well as peter.

"Y/n you can tell me anything." She says,

"I know i can." I say back trying not to sound mad.

"Okay just letting you know." She kisses my cheek which my heart explodes from. Then she walks off.

"Oh my gosh you guys are so dating!" Peter squeals.

"No were not!" i close my locker smiling.


I sit on my bed and decide to take a nap. I've had a long week so far. I lay down sighing. My muscles relax just as im about to fall asleep i hear my phone ring. Holy hell what now. I grab my phone groaning and see kates name pop up.

wants to face time

Accept     Decline

I sigh and pick accept.

"Hi." Kate looks at her phone with a smile. I fall back onto my bed laying on my side.

"Hello." I groan.

"Shit did i wake you?" She asks worried.

"Nah your fine kate." I smile at my phone.

"Okay, i was wondering if i could come over to study about the science class stuff." She asks and i nod closing my eyes. "Or i could study by myself and you can sleep." She laughs.

"No come over!" I open my eyes looking at her thru the phone.

"Okay okay.." she smiles at me. "I'll be there in 20." She says getting up from her bed. I nod.


"Y/n, kates here!" Aunt may shouts. I get up from my bed and take out my books. I throw them on my bed and open my door to see kate standing right in front of it.

"Hello lover girl." I smile and she comes in. She sits on my bed and takes out her laptop.

"Okay if you mix borax with bleach how with o2 react?" She asks.

"Trick question it doesnt it will foam up to the lid but wont explode unlike borax with baking soda." I say smiling.

"Wow so you are a geek." She giggles.

"Whatever." I lay my head on her shoulder closing my eyes. Shit im so tired.

"You can sleep if you want." She speaks up.

"And leave her here no way." I say opening my eyes.

"What if we both sleep?" She asks.

"Im down for that." I say closing my eyes once again. She puts her laptops and books aside. We lay down getting into a comfortable position. My head is on her chest and her arms around my neck. "Is this okay?" I ask as i wrap my arms around her waist.

"Yes." She says. I quickly drift off into sleep from exhaustion. I see hailee go on her phone and a camera flash. I think she just snapped a picture. Im too tired to react.


Well well well THERE CUDDLING?!!?

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Well well well THERE CUDDLING?!!?

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