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Me and Peter are currently at this abandoned factory.

"Okay first the web thing i wanna see maybe if we can kinda swing?" He says which i nod at. We first test it out on some pillars near by. "Here goes nothing." A web shoots to the pillar. Then he shoots he other one. "Okay so it can hold my weight." He says sighing of out relief.

"Now try and swing one to one." I tell him. He nods and does so.

"Woo!!" He says smiling.

"That's interesting." I take out my notebook and start writing notes down. "So it comes out of our wrist?" I mumble to myself.


The next thing we try is our strength.

"You ready y/n?"

"Born ready." I smile at him. I try and pick up this van first. I take a deep breath and relax. "Here we go." I begin to gave the van and start lifting it. "Oh my gosh-" i grunt out.

"HOLY SMOKES!" Peter says putting his hands on his head with a gasp. I lift the van all the way off the ground. After that i begin to push it up and down like a bench press but with a van. I want to test how far i can go so i throw the van as far as i can. The van flies all the way to the other side of the factory.

"Dude.." i say panting.

"What the hell." He replies mind blown.


"Okay whats next" pete asks me as i take notes from my last observation.

"Uh lets see sticking. I'll do this one." I tell him and he agrees. I walk up too he factory wall and take a deep breath as i place my hand on the brick wall. Relax. I close my eyes and let a breath out, i begin to climb the wall with nothing attached.

"Y/n.." peter says.

"What..?" I open my eyes to see myself on top of the factory roof. "Holy shit!"  My eye widen.

"Dude get down!" pete yells.

"I dont know how!" I tell him back.

"Webs!" He replies. I relax once again and one of my hand comes off. Please dont kill me. I say to myself i flick my wrist and a web shoots out i detach from the ceiling swing from the pillar.

"WOOO!" I yell as im swinging. I start getting the hang of it and climb back onto the ceiling i spin a web and slowly drop down on my web upside down right next to pete.

"Dude that was sick!" Pete hand fives me. I do it back and smile.

"Maybe these powers arent so bad." I tell him getting off of the web landing on the ground right next to him.

"Your telling me, now teach." He smiles at me and i nod.


After hours of training peter and me finally got the hang of it, actually no we are pros we have been grinding for hours trying to get everything right in which we did.

"Dude im exhausted." Peter tells me out of breath.

"Me too. We better get home before aunt may worries." I hand him a water bottle. He nods at we get in my car. Its already 7pm.


"Aunt may were home!" I say unlocking the door.

"Oh hey kids!" She smiles at us. "Where did you guys go?" she asks.

"O-oh uh skate park." I reply smiling.

"Okay." She says back. Peter immediately goes for food which i do the same.

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