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Its the next day i hear my phone alarm go off. I groan.

"Im so done." I sigh and get up. I do everything i needed to do without anything sticking this morning. I open my dresser to pick out a orange and black hoodie. I grab some black jeans and converse. "Here we go again." I sigh and grab my essentials. I pick up my backpack and unlock my door to knock on petes. "You ready?" Ask.

"Yes!" he comes out in a Flannel and jeans.

"Bye aunt may we are heading to school!" I yell out.

"Bye kids have a good day!" She replies.


We arrive at the school and i park my car. I walk into the school see someone walk next to me.

"Hey y/n." Liz says, oh no.

"Hello liz." I reply bluntly looking around the school.

"I was thinking you know if you wanted to hang out later?" She asks trying to look me in the eye.

"Uh i dont k-know.."

"Please just for an hour." She says begging.

"o-okay.." i give in. Its hard to say no to people.

"K see you then!" She skips the halls. I see someone come behind me taking her place where she just was.

"k sEe yOu tHEn." Kate mocks liz.

"Real mature." I say smiling at her.

"Whatever what did she want?" Kate asks looking at me.

"To hang out." I reply.

"Did you say no?"

"..No.. i said yes.." i tell her.

"What why?!" kate begins to get mad.

"Because i want to hang out? Why do you care bishop?" I say defending myself.

"Y-yeah whatever. Sorry." She walks off.

"K-kate." I sigh. She doesnt turn around and keeps walking im finally at my locker and begin hitting my head with it.

"Whats up with you?" One of my friends harry says.

"Nothing harry." I sigh and begin to walk to english class. I dont get why shes mad were not dating i mean..i wish we- off topic. But we just shared a few moments i dont get it.

"Tell me parker." He says.

"Girls man." I say back shaking my head.

"Oh.." he replies.

"Hows oscorp?" i ask him trying to make it less awkward.

"Eh its going back to normal my dad told me." You see Harry's dad is the owned of the building, Norman Osborn. I nod at his remark.

"Did he ever tell you why everything went crazy?" i ask as we stop at his locker for a moment.

"Nah..but i do eavesdrop." He grins at me. "So apparently there was some sport of project it was a spider. And get this mjs dad mr.watson was working on it." He says shocking. I slowly nod knowing all this information already. "I also heard that my dad as some weird stuff going really weird. But anyway-" i cut him off.

"What do you mean by weird..?" I ask looking at him.

"Uh just some like i guess theres this antidote and its called the green goblin project im not sure but its very classified and top secret." Harry shrugs it off.

"Interesting." I say thinking.

"Yeah oh hey were here." He says as walk into science.


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