The Avengers.

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I wake up and feel kates head on my chest. I smile remembering what happened last night. Wait last night shit aunt may. I grab my phone trying my hardest not to wake up kate. However i hear footsteps outside her room and shake her gently.

"Kate.." she groans. "Kate its your mom..shes outside of your room." I panic. Her eyes widen and jumps out of bed.

"Get in the closet!" She shoves me in her closet.

"i dont wanna have to come out of the closet again!" I mumble to myself laughing. I hear her open her door and my mouth shuts. My eyes widen.

"Kate who were you talking to?" Her mom asks.

"Oh no one. Myself mom can you give me some privacy please?" She pushes her mom out of her room.

"Okay! But breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes, i made your favorite pancakes with little faces on them!" Her mom says from outside of the room.

"MOM GO AWAY!" She covers her face in embarrassment. I come out of the closet and start laughing.

"Pancakes with little faces?"

"Dont." She sighs.

"No its cute." I laugh.

"You know whats else cute you staying here when your aunt is worried about you!" Kate tells me.

"Oh shit-"

"Yeah whos laughing now?" Kate says. I immediately grab my phone and begin to text peter and i see the missed messages.

Peter  🚀

"Y/n where are you?!"

"Dude are you okay??!"

"Im worried text me back.


"Y/n are you okay??!"

10 missed calls from:

Peter 🚀

I begin to press on Peters contact face timing him. He immediately answers.

"Dude where are you?!" He says worried.

"Im..somewhere i need you to cover for me!" I reply.

"Dude no way!"

"I'll give you 20 bucks please just push aunt may out of the house!"

"Fine but- is that kate?!" Kate shows up in my backround.

"Hey peter!" She smiles.

"You spent the night a-" i cut him off.

"No time to talk peter. Cover for me!" I hang up. "I gotta go." I tell kate.

"Okay see you at school." She pecks my lips which makes me smile. "Y/n?"

"Ye-yes right sorry!" I climb out of her window. Once she goes to her bathroom i climb to her roof picking up my backpack i left up there last night. I take out my mask not putting my suit on. I begin to swing towards the apartment.


I climb into my window taking off my mask. I rush too the bathroom putting toothpaste on my brush and put some water on it. I begin brushing and peter bursts into my room.

"Hey pe-" he hugs me. "Whats going on?" I say confused with my toothbrush in my mouth.

"Never scare me like that again! You idiot." He pulls away.

"Someone missed me. Did you distract aunt may?" I ask.

"You know it." I give him 20 dollars. "Thanks!" He runs back to his room. I continue brushing my teeth and hop into the shower knowing im gonna be late for school. I get out of the shower and pick out some clothes. A black stephen curry jersey and i wear a black t shirt underneath it. I grab some dark jeans and put on black low top vans. I grab my school backpack and keys. I put my phone in my pocket like always and run out to the living room. I see peter waiting for me and we rush to the car.

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