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I groan as i slowly open my eyes.

"Good morning sleepy head." Kate giggles out.

"Morning." I lay my head back on her chest. I pick up my phone and see ned texted me.

Computer man🔋

"Y/n are you ready?" I read the message. It was sent about 2 hours ago. Ready for what? I think to myself.

"Ready for??" I type and send the message back. A few minutes later i hear a ding.

"The robbery you idiot!!! Peters already scoping out the area." OH SHIT- i immediately jump out of bed and look for my suit. Dammit kates here.

"Uh whats going on?" She asks.

"I gotta go.." i say awkwardly.

"Okay i'll stay here?" she replies.

"I just need to change. Can you maybe go outside for a sec?" I ask.

"Y/n, you have a bathro-"

"Please." I cut her off.

"Fine." She rolls her eyes. Once she leaves the room i web the door shut. I grab a old backpack and stuff my suit and phone in there. Shit its cold. I think to myself i grab a purple and red jacket. I shove it in my backpack and call kate back into the room.
"You alright?" She asks me.

"Yeah just got some things to do." I reply. She nods and kisses my cheek.

"Be safe." She grins at me. This mf knows what shes doing. I run out of the apartment and take my keys out of my backpack. I begin to change in my car. After a few grunts and me hitting my head a few times i finally got the suit on. I put the jacket over it and put my mask on as well as put my backpack over my two shoulders. I lock my car and begin to swing.

"WOOOO!" I yell as swing.


I see Peter on the empire state building and swing too him.

"Whats up?" i say as i land next to him.

"Nothing, just watching over the bank of america tower." He says and i nod in response.

"I bought some a snacks." I take donuts out of a zip lock bag.

"Sweet!" Me and him take off the bottom of our mask revealing our lips. We begin munching on the donuts.

"What time is it?" I speak up.

"I believe 12am."

"Damn its hella late." I sigh. Peter shrugs. After a few more donuts and talking about our powers we hear some noise.


"Do you hear that y/n?!" Peter asks as he puts his mask on.

"I'd be deaf if i didnt." I put my backpack on and we swing on top of the bank of america    Building. We climb down on the sides the building. Me and peter both know we were being recorded. We stop at the 23rd floor to see some guys holding guns at a civilian. I hit the glass making it shatter and roll in.

"Look its the spider kids!" A russian guy says.

"lOOk iTs thE tRaCksUIt." I mock him. "Stupid name by the way." I add on and swing onto the ceiling leaping over him and grab him from behind. I turn him around webbing his hand to a desk and kicking him with my two legs. Him flies back and i land on the ground. I get up quickly and see other guys coming up the stairs with guns. I think fast and grab a officer and throw it there way making guys tumble down the stairs.  I see a huge guy and peter fighting him. I decide to help out and climb onto all the desk hopping on each one, one by one. I finally make it to peter and do a twist kick on the guys face making him fly back to peter. Peter punches him in the jaw while hes flying back and we work together to keep punching and kicking him. I see iron man and a few of the avengers show up. They werent worried about us so i knew there were more bad guys below us. "Dude cmon!" I yell out to pete as we both jump out the window i broke earlier. We land on some levels below the one we were just at and i have to break a window again. When im doing it i feel a piece of glass shoot to my stomach. I shake it off thinking it was just a little cut. Me and peter start combat fighting the guys hand to hand. I grab a computer and smash over the one guys head making him knock out unconscious.

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