She Knows.

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"Well um..we need your help." Cap says to us.


"Will all due respect cap, this isnt robots or aliens. This is a Civil War." I reply. He nods.


"Let me go kate.." i mumble as i hold my stomach.

"Why the hell would i do that?!" She asks aggressively. Theres only one choice now.

"Because.." i take off my mask. "Its me..." i sigh.



Her eyes widen as she drops her bow and arrow onto the ground. I see tony arresting the other guys. I put my slip my mask back on leaving kate shocked as i swing out of there. I mental hit myself for what have i done. I land on the One World Trade Center. I sit on the edge thinking how im gonna get out of this. I hear my phone ring and see Peters contact come up.

Incoming call from:

Peter 🚀

Accept        Decline

I sigh and accept the call as i put the phone towards my ear.

"Y/n?" I hear his voice.

"Yea peter?"

"Okay your not dead phew you scared me there." He says chuckling.

"P-peter i have to tell you something." I look at the city.


"She knows..." The phone goes quiet.

"D-Did you tell her?" He asks.

"Yes she had an arrow to my head." I sigh into the phone.

"Shit! Y/n shes gonna rat us out!"

"I know! I'll fix it. J-just dont answer the door for no one. And team meeting when i get back."

"Okay." He sighs and agrees. I hang up the phone still sitting on the edge of the building. Man what am i gonna do. I begin to swing towards Kates house doing my regular routine, thats until im stopped by war machine.

"Your gonna have to come with me spider monkey." He says as i grip onto a wall.

"Wow thats what your calling me now? And no can do!" I leap off the building swinging around. He follows me im assuming to arrest me. I quickly hide in a alley waiting for him to past. Once he does i swing the other way.


I arrive at Kates and land on her roof. I take a breath not caring to take off my suit cause she already knows. I climb peaking my head looking through the window. I see her pacing still in her suit. I take a deep breath before i tap on her window. Her eyes shoot towards the window like darts she looks at me with my mask still on. She hesitantly opens the window, which breaks my heart. I slowly climb in gulping as i do. She backs up giving me space to stand in her room. I slip off my mask silently.

" cant tell them." I speak up looking at the ground.

"I cant believe this." She sniffles.

"Im sorry i didnt mean to-" she cuts me off.

"To lie to me?!" She lets tears stream down her face.

"Kate..why are you crying?.." I try to calm her down.

"Because i dont know if i should turn in the love of my life! Or break my partner's trust!" She shouts. "I was fighting you the whole time!" She says shaking her head.

"Katie please.." My eyes start to water.

"I need to be alone y/n!" She shouts pointing to the window.

"Turn me in kate just leave Peter out of this." I beg. She takes a deep breath.

"Let me think y/n." She calms down. I nod and pull my mask down. I look back at her before i leap out of her window swinging away. I need to be alone too. I think to myself. I swing towards the One World Trade Center building. I sit on the edge just thinking of what i've done. After a while of just thinking i lay down on the roof feeling tired. Just as im about to pass out peter texts me.

Peter 🚀

"Dude you have to come home quick! Aunt may is looking for you." I read the message. Shit. I put my phone away and swing towards the apartment. Im climb into my room taking my suit and mask off and putting normal clothes on. Once im done i swing back out walking up the stairs looking like i just went to a friends house. I knock on the door and wait for aunt may to open it.

"Hel- y/n! Where have you been?!" Aunt may asked worried but angry.

"Im sorry may i was just at.." i try to think of an excuse. "h-harrys. Yeah harrys house." I make it sounding believable.

"Oh okay..." she looks confused. "Just make sure to always text me." She adds on making me nod. I walk towards my room taking a deep breath. I my room and lock the door. I sit with my knees in my head sighing. So to recap i worked with captain america to help fight half of the avengers, i've become a fugitive, i might have fucked everything up with my dream girl, and i might get arrested if she snitches me out. Fucking perfect. I grab my phone and earphones closing my window. I close my blinds too and put my earphones on. I click on Spotify putting on a playlist i've been working on. I lay there thinking until my brain gives out. I finally fall asleep wanting to die.


Everything just went to shit for y/n :,) rip

Also i have been working a playlist. Im thinking about releasing it, i just want people to stop leaving out or criticizing other people for things that everybody go through. And its okay to go through it, its a sucide playlist. I dont want people to feel alone, like for those who feel music is there way out i feel the same way. I have create this playlist for people to let out there feelings on this playlist not on themselves. What do yall think?

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