Taco Date.

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I wake up to the sun shining my my face. Thank the lord it's Saturday. I think to myself. I stretch and embrace the sun. I sit on the edge of my bed and cheek my phone.

"Good morning sunshine." Aunt may comes in my room.

"Morning may." I smile at her.

"Kates here." She grins at me. My eyes immediately widen and i rush to the bathroom. I brush my teeth as quick as i can. I hear footsteps come to my door but i web it. *FLWIP* the door nob twists and turns from the other person trying to open it.

"Y/n can i come in its kate?" The sweet voice asks.

"Give me a moment please!" I reply. I web my suit and pull it back making it fling towards me. I shove it in dresser and clean up the webs. I spit out my tooth paste and begin to floss i do it as check as i can and wash out my mouth. I hear the door starting to unlock from the webs getting cut. I throw on some socks and sweats and search for a shirt but its too late.

"Hey whats u-"...kate just stares at me shirtless with just a training bra. Her eyes trail up my abs too my biceps.

"Uh.." i say itching the back of my neck. She continues to stare at me no saying a word.

"Omg im so sorry!" She rushes out of my room as i begin to put a shirt on. I pick off the web that was on the door nob and toss it in the trash.

"You can come in now." I say awkward.

"uh yeah.." she slowly opens the door.

"So..what brings you by?.." i ask.

"I w-was actually wondering if you want to well..maybe go to the arcade?" she says to me.

"Uh whos going?"

"Layla, me, oliva, coop, liz-" i cut her off.

"No." I say as i make my bed.

"What why?"

"Because no bishop."


"But no bishop." I grin to myself.


"I no bishop."


"Y/n no bishop."

"STOP CUTTING MY OFF!" She covers her face with her hands.

"Okay okay." I smile at her and cross my arms.

"Would you like to go hang out with me." She tries to say calmly.

"Whos going."

"You and me." I raise my eyebrows at her remark.

"Bet bishop." I smile at her.

"Finally." She rolls her eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes before i you have a reason too." I grin at myself. Her cheeks immediately go red. "I was joking." I say awkwardly.

"Y-yeah i know." She replies. I put on a grey band tee and some black jeans. I also grab some air jordan lows and get my keys, phone and wallet.

"Ready?" I ask her.

"Yes." She smiles at me.


Me and Kate are currently at this taco place.

"Honestly these would taste better with hot sauce." I tell her.

"I dare you to dump the whole hotness on your taco." She smirks at me.

"Im never one to turn down a dare." I say making eye contact. I grab the sauce and pour A LOT of it on my taco. She hums in satisfaction. I take a deep breath and take a bite.
Kates mouth falls right open.

"No freakin way." As soon as she said that i feel the burn.

"Water. WOTAH!" A British accent comes out. Im not even brit?? I chug my water to see kate wheezing in her seat.

"Y-your face." She wheezes.

"Not funny bishop." I continue to eat the taco.

"I didnt know you were British." She says smiling at me.

"Thats the thing..im not." Me and kate bust out laughing i end up choking on my taco.

"HELP-" Kate starts punching my stomach. The taco flies out. Me and her both look at each other with concerned faces. All of a sudden we both start wheezing again. Once we calmed down we took a seat.

"This was a good taco date." She smiles at me. Did she just say a date-

"Yeah." I smile back at her.


I drop kate back at her place but before she leaves she kisses me on the cheek.

"Stay safe parker." She whispers while kissing my cheek. I nod and start shaking that she KISSED ME AGAIN?!

"You too bishop." I nod at her. She gets out of the car and walks inside. I drive off too the apartment.


20 minutes later i arrive and park my car.

"Aunt may pete im home!" I say unlocking the door.

"HOW DID IT GO?!" Aunt may shouts at me.

"How did what go?" i ask confused.

"THE DATE!" She face palms herself.

"WAIT Y/N HAD A DATE?!" Peter flies out of his room. I groan in annoyance.

"YES! WITH KATE." Peters jaw drops to the floor.

"Im not doing this today." I begin to walk to my room.

"Y/N BENJAMIN PARKER." I groan and walk out back to the living room. Not the government name. I think to myself. "How was it?" She asks. I can feel peter and aunt mays eyes on me.

"It was..good." I sigh.

"WOO!" Peter and aunt may start dancing.

"Goodnight." I chuckle and walk to my room. I lock the door and flop onto my bed. I have to take a shower. And i do just that. I change into some flannel pants and a white tank top. I plug in my phone thinking..what a good day this was. I hear my phone ding and i check it.  I open my messages to see kates name pop up

Kate bishop.

"I had fun today. :)"

"Me too, lover girl." I type.

"Goodnight weirdo💘" i read her message.. wait heart arrow?? What does that mean..

"Night lovr girl.♥️" i type out unsure what emoji to use. I shrug and just press send as i shut my phone off. Hmm arrow and a heart..i mean she is an archer..i wonder. I fall asleep as im thinking of what the emoji kate sent stood for.


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