The Bites.

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"Okay so if x is 6 whats f?" Mj asks.


"Correct!" Mj throws up her hands. Me and mj are currently studying for our math test i mean i dont really need studying but i just wanna just incase. "Okay, i'll see you at my house at 5 ok?"

"Yep." I reply

"Okay, see ya later." Mj walks out of my room i hear chatting outside and assume mj is talking to Peter since there you know dating i guess..*throws up* anyways. You probably thinking whats at 5? Im going to her dads lab. Let me tell you he is honestly very cool, he's a scientist who works at oscorp. He lets me come to nerd out all the time but enough of science stuff im really hungry. I walk out of my room into the living room and mjs already gone.

"Aunt may!" I call out.

"Yes?" She replies.

"Whats for dinner?"

"Oh that reminds me can you get pizza for dinner!" She asks.

"Yes." I sigh and put my sweats and black jacket on. I grab my wallet and walk to the pizza place. I feel like im forgetting something. Oh well. I walk into the pizza place and say hi to the owner.

"Y/n back again!" The owner smiles at me.

"Of course tommy, your pizza is the best." I wave at him.

"The regular?"

"Aunt mays favorite." He smiles at me. After 20 minutes i hear a bell ding.

"One pepperoni and half cheese pizza." He hands me the box.

"Thank you very much." I give him a 20 and tell him to keep the change. I begin to walk back home still feeling like i forgot something. I think to myself of all the possible stuff i could forget. Once again i shrug it off and walk home.


By the time me, Peter, and aunt may finished eating it was already 4:30. I get ready for the lab wearing some dark blue jeans and a white shirt. I put some converse on and a zip up polo grey jacket. I grab my wallet and my keys and walk out of my room.

"Aunt may im going to mjs dads lab so technically oscorp." I say to her.

"Okay! Be safe."

"Y/n can i come too?!" Peter burst out of his room. Already ready.

"Sure..." I sigh.

"Both of you be safe!" We both nod and he grabs his jacket. We head towards my broken down bmw and i hop in.

"Dude you really gotta fix this thing." Peter says while getting in the car. He puts on this seatbelt i do the same.

"With what money?" I scoff. He rolls his eyes and i turn the car on. I twist the key and the car makes a weird noise but it starts. "It lives on!" I smile at peter.


We arrive at mjs and i park my car. Her dad takes us to oscorp and leads us into his lab.

"Woah.." i head peter say.

"I know right!" I chuckle.

"Okay guys so these are my newest experiments. You guys can touch them dont worry they cannot get out of the glass cage." He smiles at us. "Go ahead take a look i'll be right back." Me and peter both nod then he leave.

"This is amazing." I mutter.

"Boo!" Mj comes behind me with a spider in a glass cage.

"Mj dont do that! Get that thing away from me." I say shooing her away.

"Chill out y/n it cant hurt you." Mj laughs.

"Stop being a baby."

"Really peter? Your the one to talk." I scoff. "Mj what are you doing!?" I begin to have panic in my voice.

"Chill out its just a spider."

"What are you- NO NO STOP." Mj puts it on my shoulder. "OFF NOW MJ."

"YOUR FINE YOUR FINE." She starts laughing and peter join its. I feel it move up to my neck and feel its legs on my skin.

"GUYS PLEASE GET IT- OW." I feel it bite me.

"Oh my gosh." Mj says rushing to take the spider off.

"Y/n are you okay?" Peter says taking a look at the bite.

"Yeah im fine its cool were good."

"Oh okay you scared me there for a second. Here Peter it likes you." Mj laughs and puts in on peter.

"Really mj- OW. Dammit." It bites peter on his shoulder.

"i think you should put it away mj. Like now." She nods and puts it back into the container. Surprisingly not getting bit. We all see the other animals and i take notes on
them. But my eyes extremely focused on the spider.

"You seem to like the spider." Mjs dad says laughing.

"Mhm yeah.." i chuckle

"I gotta do business stuff but thank you guys for stopping by." He smiles at us.

"It was a honor Mr.watson and thank you these are very fascinating." I say and peter agrees.

"Thank you y/n very much." I nod and we make our way out of oscorp.


Me and peter are back home now in our rooms.

"Hey y/n you want some left over pizza?" May asks.

"N-no i feel a little tired." I reply. I crash onto my bed and fall asleep just like that.


I wake up and feel bigger..or at least taller. I look into the mirror and see myself.

"Holy shit.." i mumble. I take off my shirt leaving only my sports bra and take a look at myself. "I dont even work out.." i flex my muscles. "Abs too?" i say flabbergasted. I smile proudly at myself and put my shirt back on. Where is all this coming from? I go to open  my door but feel my hand stuck. Like glued to my door. I begin to fidget with it and keep twisting and turning trying to get it to come off. What the hell is going on. I yank it and it comes off the whole door lock.  "What?" I say to myself. The lock finally comes off and i shake it off. What time is it? 5:30am. Not bad i should get ready for school. I do my morning stuff until something happens. I go to put my toothbrush down but it sticks to my fingers. "Cmon not again." I say to myself. It finally comes off and i sigh. I feel my neck sore and then i feel the back of my neck. I feel something come out of it like i have no clue but i yank on it. "Ow." I hiss in pain. I observe what just came out of my neck. Looks like a spider web. I think to myself. I put on a black hoodie and some dark blue jeans not wanting to be seen today, i slip on some converse and grab everything i need and put it in my backpack expect my phone. I walk out my room and see peter sitting on the couch like hes stressing out about something. Wait did he get taller too?!

"Y/n..something's seriously wrong." He says in a quiet voice not wanting to wake up may.



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