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I sit down next to her and turn my face to her on the bed. Our faces inches apart. I feel her hot breath against my face just like in the bathroom. I see her freeze up and my body tensing. "I-i.." she starts stuttering.


She starts stuttering. All of a sudden aunt may bust thru the door. Shit i cant get one good moment with kate? I mental punch myself. Our eyes shoot towards the door

"Hey kids what do yo- oh my gosh im so sorry!" She closes the door shaken up. Kate and I look at each for a moment.

"Y-you probably go help your aunt." Kate speaks up.

"Y-yeah good idea." I say awkwardly before getting up. Shit man i coulda had my first kiss. Now the tension is growing. I walk out of my room going into the kitchen where i see aunt may sitting down stressed.

"Uh aunt may?" She jumps in her seat frightened.

"Oh- y/n its just you." She puts a heart over her hand. "Im sorry i didnt mean to intrude like that you guys are so cute tho!" She says smiling walking over too me.

"No! Aunt may nothing happened-" i get cut off.

"But something was about to." She grins at me.

"Whatever!" I feel blood come to my cheeks and hide my face. "Why are you so jumpy?" I ask confused putting my hands down from my face.

"Oh it was just this guy earlier..nothing to worry about." She mumbles the first part.

"What guy?" I start to get worried.

"Nothing y/n! He just tried to do something i didnt want to do but its fine im here!" She smiles at me. Oh fawkk no.

"PETER!" I call out as i clench my jaw.

"What?" He comes out of his room confused.

"Aunt may tell him." I say trying to be calm.

"Y/n theres no reason-" aunt may gets cut off.

"Whats going on may?" Peter asks suspiciously.

"Well- it was just a guy." Aunt may tries to laugh but stops.

"What do you just a guy?" Peter asks.

"A guy wanted to force her to something she didnt want to do." I say talking to peter calmly.

"What?!" Peter says furrowing his eyebrows.

"Guys calm down its okay." Aunt may says.

"What did he look like?!" Peter replies.

"Peter no. Its fine im fine were all fine." She tries to smile.

"Peter my room in 10." I whisper to him he nods. I walk away with peter and may still chatting but its getting kinda loud. I run to my room to find kate.

"Hey whats going on out there?"

"N-nothing." I smile at her.

"I think i should get going." She tells me which i nod.

"See you at school tomorrow?" She asks.

"Yep." I smile at her. She kisses me on the cheek before kate comes out of my room with me by her side.

"Aunt may pl- oh hey- wait kate?!" Peter says.

"Yes kate. Now if you mind its 7pm and she has to get going." I say helping kate thru the living.

"Facetime me tonight." She says at the door and i nod smiling.


"Okay well what did aunt may say he looked like?" I ask peter while were in my room. Its only been about an 1 since kate left.

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