The Day Before Chaos.

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Its been a few days since we had our last encounter with the avengers. Me and kate have been face timing every night. Tonight im planning on sneaking into her room since her mom doesnt allow her to have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Kate doesnt really care though. Its about 8pm on a friday so im getting everything ready in my backpack.

"Okay Peter if anything happens call me and bring my suit and mask with you okay?" I prepare peter for anything that might happen. He nods and we hug each other. "Aunt may im leaving now!" I call out.

"Okay i love you have fun. And remember no funny business!" She replies making peter gag.

"Aunt may!" I cover my face in embarrassment. She kisses my forehead and i head out the front door.


I make it to kates window and shove my mask in my backpack. Hopefully she doesnt search through it. I tap on kates window.

"Finally!" She says. Once im fully in she hugs me and kisses me on the lips.

"Why so much love?" I grin at her.

"I havent see you in forever." She kisses me again.

"I literally saw you today in science class." I pull away.

"Whatever." her hands wrap around my neck. Mine goes to her lower back.

"Wheres your mom?" I ask.

"Shes at a meeting in the Bahamas." I tilt my head.

"I could have just went through the front door!" I laugh.

"I didnt know! I thought knocking on peoples windows was your thing-"

"Wait what-" My hands let go of her back.

"Like you climb into your window and neds-" i cut her off furrowing my eyebrows.

"Kate.." my breath shakes.

"What..?" She looks confused.

"H-how do you know about that-"

"What that your the spider hero?" She tilts her head smirking at me.


I wake up panting and sweating from a bad dream and sit up. I see kate fast asleep in my bed beside me. Well shit. I take a deep breath in and out and see kate wake up.

"Hey you okay?" She groans.

"Y-yeah im fine, go back to sleep." I say trying my best not to sound shook-in up.

"Come here." She lays on top of me giving me head scratches i slowly fall back asleep in her embrace.


I feel the sun hit my face as i groan. My eyes slowly flicker open and i look at kate sleeping on my chest and smile. I sit on the edge of my bed and check my phone.
Oh shit. I think to myself. I come out of my room and see Peter looking at the news.

"Did you see?!" He asks.

"Yeah..captain america has been charged as a fugitive." I gulp. Somethings going down.

"And that falcon dude." Peter adds. I take a deep breath and go back into my room.
I see kate with a tired smile in my bed.

"Good morning." She yawns.

"Good morning indeed." I reply. "Are you gonna get up?" I ask laughing.

"Carry meee." She drags out the e. I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed bending my back. She hops onto my back and i make my way to the bathroom. "How are you so strong?" She asks.

"Your just a feather." I smile giving her the toothbrush. We both begin to brush our teeth and stretch.


Kate left a few hours ago and me and Peter both agreed to spider-man around the city since we havent until we ran into the avengers. I put on my suit and mask. The coms that ned bought already shipped so i call ned telling him to hop on coms. I put the speaker in my ear and put my mask over it. Aunt mays at lunch with an old friend out if town so this was a perfect moment. Me and peter leap out of our windows at the same time and fling our wrists swinging from tower to tower. I land at the One World Trade Center. My Tower. I sigh as i look at the view and i turn on the speaker so ned can talk to us.

"Testing testing." I hear a voice in my ear.

"Yes ned it works." I laugh.

"I can confirm." I hear peter.

"Okay cool. There is a crime happening on 52nd street by the parks dealership." Ned says.

"On my way!" Me and peter say at the same time.

"WOO!" I see phones on me.

I reach the 52nd street and see at the baseball field someone getting beat up. I see some knives and a bat. I web myself to a tree swinging down from it. "Thats not nice." I say. The guy tries to get me with a bat, but i catch breaking it in half everybody runs away as i help the guy off the ground who was hurt. "You alright man?" I ask dusting him off.

"I will be!" He smiles at me. "Can i get a picture?!" He asks. I nod and i put up a peace sign and walk the guy home. Once i knew he was safe i press the button on my ear.

"Okay ned parks clear." I say clearing my throat.

"Okay now crimes for now i suggest you guys just sit on roofs until i see anything." Ned replies.

"Copy that." I swing towards The One World Trade Center. I play on my phone with my feet dangling while i wait. I see some guy with- wait is that mr.falcon?! I look his direction and stand up.

"Hello stranger." He says landing on the roof.

"H-hey?" I wave. "Whats up?"

"Steve said to send me if he ever needed help." Falcon says.

"Whats wrong?" I reply.


Falcon took me and peter too this abandoned warehouse. They had this guy with a metal arm on a machine.

"Ouch." I mumble to myself. I see cap and nod at him.

"W-why did you bring us here?" Peter asks.

"Well um..we need your help." Cap says to us. then goes on to explain everything that has been going down from iron man stuff to the winter solider stuff.

"Okay and what did you need our help for?" i ask leaning on a wall.

"We need your help to fight them." Falcon buts in.

"You want us to fight the avengers?! Are you crazy." Peter responds.

"Well half of the avengers. And i've seen your guys combat you guys are good." Wings guy says.

"Im in." I sigh. I hear peter sigh and shake his head.

"If your in im in." He responds.

"Okay its at the airport tomorrow at 1pm. Thats when were going to get the jet." Falcon says making me and peter nod. Well this isnt gonna end well.




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