Chapter 3

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Seth sighed as he lay in his room in his grandfather's palace. He was bored as shit despite the beautiful landscape hell provided and had to tell Max their date would need to be postponed. He didn't regret helping his sister, but he felt awful. He understood his father's logic in sending him to hell. It was the best place for a demon to recharge and recoup regardless of what ailed them. He spent time watching American Dad before his view was obstructed.

There standing in front of him was his brown-haired, green-eyed mate. Max Mayer was unlike any demon Seth had ever met. He was just as wild as he was if not more so with a view on life that was unlike any other. Max had an interesting view on almost everything growing up in hell. Demons were practically immortal, but Max lived every day like it was his last. He was beyond loveable and his family adored him, which was all that mattered to Seth.

"Can I help you?" Seth asked with a smirk. "Yes, you can actually. You can tell me why my mate didn't tell me he was sick from bringing his dead aunt back to life!" Seth sighed with an eyeroll knowing Aslan had spilled the beans. She was closer to Max than he was at times. "I didn't want to worry you." Seth shrugged causing Max to huff. "I'm's Minos that's going crazy." Seth smiled at the thought of Max's demon.

He and Balthazar were just as volatile and potent as he and Max were. He wouldn't have it any other way. Seth had never met his great-grandfather, but he strongly believed from everything that has happened to his family that God was always in the mix even if he was silent about it. He knew his great-grandfather had a hand in picking his mate and he was grateful, though he'd never tell his grandfather Lucifer that he actually thought highly of the big man upstairs.

"Come here." Seth said and Max noticed his voice dropped to a lower octave. "We're not doing whatever you're thinking. You need to get better so we can go on our date." Max said standing between Seth's muscular legs. Seth smiled up at his mate as Max caressed his cheek. "I missed you." Seth said honestly before grabbing onto Max's hips. "I missed you too." Max said before leaning down and capturing his lips. Max laughed when Seth flipped him over and began sucking on his neck.

"Seth Draven, we're not doing-" Max was cut off as Seth palmed his growing erection. "What lies were you just about to tell, Maxwell?" Seth smirked before capturing his lips. "Babe," Max groaned as Seth unzipped his jeans and expertly removed his member. "Fuck!" Max groaned as Seth stroked him in the way only he could. Max hated and loved Seth for driving him crazy.

Seth knew he was close and smirked as he left another hickey on Max's neck before stopping altogether. "BITCH!" Max yelled out causing Seth to laugh. "Hands and knees." Seth said getting up. Max shook his head no. "You need to heal." Seth thought his protests were cute. He waved his hand and smirked at Max's naked body. "Seth!" Seth shushed him before waving over himself leaving them both stark naked. "Hands and knees." Seth repeated himself before rubbing the lube he conjured up on his large member.

Max huffed, but secretly he was beyond excited. It had been a month since they last had sex thanks to endless projects his king had him on in the quest to drive mortals to madness. Every demon had powers that were unique in some way and Max was no different. He had the ability to freeze time and though it seemed useless in comparison to his brothers' powers it proved very useful. He was able to cycle memories and interactions that played on loop in the minds of mortals that usually catapulted them into a cycle of self-loathing anxiety and doubt. Those moments usually while in bed when embarrassing memories from one's past comes to the forefront. Yes, that was Max.

He loved furthering the king's agenda and buying into the vendetta he had against he who shall not be named, but it took away from his mate and that he hated. Max couldn't object to Lucifer's commands though because he was not only the boss, but he was his grandfather-in-law. He knew Seth wasn't 100% healed, but they needed this. They needed time to just be one.

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