Chapter 9

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Seth teleported them to the back of a nearby house. They scanned the area for mortals before smiling and walking out onto the sidewalk. They could hear the music from where they stood and smiled. "I'm getting fucked up!" Seth exclaimed.

"Don't. We have school tomorrow." Freya spoke up causing him to roll his eyes. "You know it takes more than the usual amount of alcohol to even get me tipsy. I'll be fine." Freya nodded her head before looking at her sister.

"What's wrong?" Aslan looked back at her siblings. "I haven't seen Jonah since that day and we never exchanged numbers. What if I never see him again?" It was Freya's turn to roll her eyes.

"You literally know where he lives. You can see him tonight if you wanted. Quit being dramatic and help me get through this night in case I see my mate who hates me."

Aslan sighed as she felt a rain drop. "He doesn't hate you. Why don't you focus more on the fact that he so clearly has baggage that he obviously needs help carrying? Don't give up. Be his ray of sunshine, Frey."

Freya smiled at her sister before stopping them in their tracks and pulling her in for a hug. "You're an absolute genius, Aslan! Of course, kill him with kindness!"

Seth scoffed. "Or you could just kill him." Freya punched his arm causing him to wince. "I swear you two are stronger than me sometimes." The girls shrugged before they got closer to the house.

The front lawn was littered with red solo cups and college kids. Seth felt someone grab his ass and was ready to punch them when he met his smirking mate. "Good to know you understand who that belongs to." Max grinned at him. "You know damn well it's your ass that belongs to me."

Aslan and Freya watched as their brother tongued down his mate and shook their heads. "Hopeless romantics." Aslan called out before pushing the lovebirds towards the entrance. Hip-Hop stylings of Olympia Ohanian filled the air as they walked through the door.

They hated the looks they always seemed to get from supernatural creatures and mortals alike. "Let's go!" Max called leading the group to the makeshift bar along the wall. Plastic shot glasses filled with vodka were passed around. Max made sure everyone had two before they cheered and chugged it down.

Aslan and Seth chuckled as Freya shook off the aftertaste. It didn't take much to get her drunk despite being half wolf. "This is my shit! Dance with me babe!" Max said pulling on Seth. Seth looked at his sisters with a mischievous smile.

"Let the chaos begin." Aslan rolled her eyes at him before spotting Philip and Lazlo. She tapped her sister before pointing. When Freya looked over Philip was already staring at her.

Philip drank her body in like a cool glass of water. When he initially met her, he knew she had an amazing body, but her breasts and ass weren't on display like they currently were.

They shocked him as they looked bigger than he originally thought. She was a walking temptation and it stirred so much for him.

"Your girl looks amazing." Lazlo said to him from the side causing Philip to growl in warning. "Don't get mad at me. Every guy in here seems to think so too by the way." Philip took the time to look around and noticed that most of the guys and some girls were in fact looking at his mate or her sister. Philip knew anger. It was the single emotion he understood to a tee and right now it was flooding his senses.

He marched over to his mate and grabbed ahold of her arm and dragged her outside before she could say a word. "This is ghetto." Aslan said aloud before making her way over to the bar for another round of shots.

Lazlo walked up to her with a friendly smile. "Hi." He said causing her to chuckle at the shyness that didn't seem to fit him. "Hi, Lazlo." He looked surprised that she knew his name. "I'm a vampire too, you know. Super hearing."

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