Chapter 1

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Today was a big day. You were finally changing your life for the better. New apartment, new city, new change of pace. A fresh start at getting your life back on track. Not that you knew where you were going, but if you kept moving forward, you'd eventually like the path you're taking.  At least you could only hope that would be the case.

Your boss in your hometown gave you a big promotion. And required you to relocate. You didn't mind all that much though because your boss made sure to find you the best apartment right next to the corporate building. He also paid for all your travel expenses, to which you couldn't be more grateful for. He always had a soft spot for his most loyal and diligent worker. You were at the top of sales for the past three years, and you had only been working for him for 5 years. So the ratio was pretty exceptional.

You worked for Edward Negate. Only the most famous business man of Grand-line. There were rumors he started the underground fight club, sells drugs in numerous cities, and holds down the leaders of each mafia gang. But you never paid any attention to those rumors. They were always refuted and shot down from any media postings and police investigations. Plus, you personally knew Mr. Negate himself, and he was a jolly old man. Too easy going for any of those violent crimes rumored about him. And even on the slim chance the rumors were true, he was your boss and he paid you 5 digits a month. You weren't gonna rat him out anytime soon.

You had relocated to a busier part of the city. People crowding everywhere at every turn. It wasn't your ideal location to live in, but you were given a hearty raise and a better position at work so it made it just a little bit more bearable. After setting in to your new apartment, which was smack in the middle of the city, you were hungry. You were given a week off so you could get settled into your new place before jumping right back into work. You apartment was spacious, large windows stretching over both walls until they met at the corner. It was a beautiful view at night with all the lights, but in the daytime it was overbearing, so you tend to keep the curtains closed. You had a big kitchen and dining space, and a small laundry room. Two bathrooms, one connecting to your master sized bedroom and one near the entrance of the apartment. And the living room already had a large flat screen TV set up and ready to go. It felt more like a mini vacation house rather than an apartment. You would need to thank your boss later.

You had never been in this area before, so you decided to give yourself a little tour to better accustom yourself. You dressed in your casual clothing, nothing too revealing, but also something that keeps the boys guessing. You had never had a boyfriend much less a first kiss. But you knew two of Mr. Negate's sons lived in the area, and you didn't wanna accidentally run into them without looking somewhat cute.

You took the elevator down to the lobby. You now lived on the second floor, something you were grateful for. It meant less walking if the elevator ever decided to break down. You exited the building to be hit in the face with...a chest?

You stared at the muscular body you had just ran into. Eyes slowly traveling to his gorgeous blue eyes and radiant blond hair. You were a sucker for blondes, and it was hard to hide. You blushed madly realizing who it was you bumped into.

"Hey Y/n! I was just about to go check in on you yoi," Marco had come to see how you were faring at your new place. "Sorry about that, does your nose hurt yoi?" He brought his face closer to you. Inspecting your red nose from when you bumped into him. His hand reaching out and gently touching your cheek. Before he could see your growing blush you blurted out you were fine. He snapped out of his trance and retracted his hand, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. He always made sure you were comfortable when he visited your old position, especially since you were one of three women who worked at the company. The rest being males. "How are you holding up? Do you need any help bringing things up to your apartment yoi?" Marco spoke casually, but with a little excitement in his voice. Something you noticed he only does with you. As if he was always happy to talk to you no matter what time of day or how bad things were.

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