Chapter 21

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The sweet aroma of tomatoes and basil wafted through the small apartment.

The spaghetti was complete and Killer added the finishing touches to both plates before carrying them over to the table.

Already sitting patiently on top of a chair, I waited for Killer to bring over the delicious smelling food. My mouth watered as Killer gently laid an oversized serving of spaghetti in front of me, melted Parmesan oozing from the top to the sides.

Glancing up Killer sits in front of me with a plate of his own, but I couldn't help but notice the serving difference between the two. Killer's plate was obviously smaller than my own. There was no way a well built man such as himself would be full off the mere size of his portion.

"Killer. I think you mixed up the plates. Were you meaning to give this one to yourself?" I asked the flowing blond.

He seemed genuinely surprised by my question and there was evident confusion in his response.

"Huh?" He glimpsed at both plates before looking me in the eye. "Is it too much?" He seemed puzzled. As if it was normal to pick the smaller half.

"Your plate is so small." If indirect didn't work, I'd have to be blatant about it.

"It's fine. You're noodles will get cold." He stated, taking a bit of his own. He looked refined eating. Elegance and grace illuminated him. It was similar to the first time I saw him eat during our picnic. But more refined since then. As if he constantly practiced in the mirror how to eat perfectly from every angle.

Something about it also seemed fake. Like he was holding back the ferocity of his own character. It settled differently with me. And I wanted to break that perfect facade.

Picking up my fork, I dug deep into the pit of my spaghetti, pulling up a massive heap of noodles and sauce. Cheese oozing and threatening to fall and splatter back onto the plate like a crime scene.

I wasn't sure if my aggressive approach had captured the attention of the elegant gentleman before me, but I hoped it had. I didn't have the courage to look him in the eye just yet.

Opening wide I took the biggest bite my mouth would allow me and chewed. Slurping up the corresponding noodles that I had taken a bite from; the tip of one swishing upwards and gently taping my nose before being devoured by the abyss that was me.

I'm almost certain my cheeks were smeared red with tomato sauce, and no doubt that last noodle left a dab of sauce as well, atop of my nose.

I looked up at ocean blue eyes peering down at me, and I almost felt embarrassed about my predicament. But I was determined to break that outer barrier that was Killer. I wanted him to speak and act freely with me. There was no need to appeal to me, he was already perfectly handsome and I was already taken by him. 

I let out a toothy giggle.

"I was hungry." I beamed at him, truly enjoying myself. The food was amazing, and left an everlasting impression on my tastebuds. And so seemed myself as well, as Killer did the unthinkable.

He took a second fork, from some mysterious magical portal it seemed like, and pulled up a massive pile of noodles twice the size of my own. Practically his whole plate at this point. I'll never know how he got his hands on two forks.

He took a massive bite himself, slurping up all kinds of noodles from all different directions before seemingly inhaling the food. Red sauce smothered his cheeks and goatee, he even managed to get sauce on his forehead and bangs. How it happened, I would never know, and I was staring at him the whole time.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now