Chapter 10

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The sharp vibrations of your phone alerted your immediate attention. Picking it up and glancing at the caller ID it was Marco.

He normally doesn't call so late, so it must be work related.

You got up from your couch reluctantly. You didn't wanna leave your handsome companion so soon.

"Is everything okay?" Killer asked you when you jumped up at the call.

"Yeah. Work is calling. I have to take this." You said stepping out of the room into your bedroom.

You heard him mumbling okay with much solemn.

You felt bad for leaving him by himself after what he's been through.

You clicked the call button to answer the phone.

"Hey Marco, what's up?" You asked. You were tired from the events that led up until now.

"Hey Y/n! What are you up to?" He said through the phone. He seemed like he had something he wanted to say, but was refraining himself.

"Just chilling at home. Why?" Marco had a fun way of doging his main point.

"Good. Stay there and lock up. There's been a break in at central bank and the suspects are still on the loose. I don't want you getting hurt if you happen to run into them." He said, relief and urgency in his tone. He really didn't want a repeat of last time.

"Okay no problem. I was gonna call it a night anyways."

"Goodbye Y/n, I'll see you later? " He almost sounded like a begging puppy when he said it.

A blush rose to your cheeks.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." And with that you hung up. You sighed.

Suspects on the loose? You wondered if Killer had run into one of them, and that's how he got an injury.

You went over to your beautiful blond sitting on the couch. He was curled up in the blankets, and his face was covered.


"Hey Kill?" You tapped his shoulder gently. "Are you sleeping?" You softly whispered in his ear.

He visibly shook.

He pulled the blankets back just enough to uncover an eye. You could tell his face and ears were burning red. You hoped he wasn't catching a fever. His eye sparkled when it met yours.

"I wasn't sleeping. But I didn't think you'd come back to check on me.." he said it in such a defeated way. Like he was on a loosing streak so far behind the others, there was no possible way of catching up even if a miracle were to happen.

"You're my guest! Of course your comfort is important to me. I wanna make sure your okay." You smiled at him.

His eye widened and he buried his face in the pillow. His next words came out in a strained muffle.

"D-don't sa-say things l-like that. You'll gi-ve me the wrong im-press-impression..." He was adorable.

You got up and noticed he was quite big on the couch. It probably wasn't very comfortable.

"Hey Killer, you should move to the bed." You said nonchalantly.

He abruptly sat up, his bright red cheeks spread down his arms and chest. And his face screamed like he was about to pass out right then and there from the shock.

"Wha-wha-wha-wha..." He couldn't even form a single word. His shock was too great.

I should be careful of what I say to him. The poor guy.

Then your face also erupted with red in realization.

"I- I just meant it would be more comfortable for you." You had hoped he didn't misunderstand anything. You would sleep on the couch as he took the bed.

And just like that he blacked out. His consciousness drifted away from him. The poor man was so thrilled of being in your bed, his thought couldn't even process properly. You had unintentionally broke him. Like an old computer reading nothing but the words error error, and he lost all functionality.

You freaked out. The man was injured and now he was passed out in your living room. But that wasn't all. No. There was so much more.

Because once he had passed out, his body didn't land perfectly on the couch. No. Why would it?

With just your luck, he fell forward. And you weren't going to just let the man fall face first on the tile. What kind of monster would you be if you let that happen?

So of course, and rather instinctively, you reached out and grabbed him before he could hit the floor. His upper body collided with yours. And harshly at that. You hadn't realized just how perfectly stacked this man is. His muscles were much harder and heavier than you had originally anticipated.

So naturally, you weren't able to hold him up and steady.

You had both crashed to the floor, him on top of you. Your mind went crazy. How could you be so dumb to let this happen. You lectured yourself briefly before figuring out what to do.

Squeezing your way out from under him, you grabbed his arm, and pulled him up. He was so much heavier than the drag to the apartment door. Using all of your strength, you pulled him to the bedroom.

How were you gonna get him in the bed?

You pulled him up and sat him up at the bed side.

"Sorry for all the man handling." You told him.

You wrapped your arms around his torso carefully, keeping his injury in mind. And pulled him up to the bed. Laying his head on the pillow, you pulled his legs up in the bed.

That was more harder than when you had to study for tests in grade school.

Sighing, you grabbed the blanket from the living space and place it over him.

In his sleep he reached over and grabbed one of your big plushies and cuddled the life out of it. How cute.

You placed a glass of water at the bedside table incase he woke up thirsty.

You went to your couch and fell asleep.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now