Chapter 15

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Y/n pov

"Let's get out of here." Killer said pulling you into his chest.

"Alright." You pulled him off the bench and rushed under a big tree, successfully hiding you both from the pouring rain.

Killer grinned at you.

"I didn't mean the rain." He brushed a few wet strands of hair from your face.

You knitted your brows in confusion, a trait Killer found adorable.

"Just you and me" he reiterated.

"Where would we go?" You laughed.

"Anywhere we want." He said, his eyes were full of fear, sadness, and slight excitement.

" You're being silly." You moved his bangs to get a better view of those gorgeous eyes.

"I'm serious." He leaned his forehead to yours, heat radiating off of his touch.

"We can't just leave. Kill?" You gave him a worried look.

He didn't press any further.

He looked sullen.

"I want to see you. Can I?" You stated rather boldly. You wanted, needed this man like he was your only life line. It was utter agony without him.

His eyes lit up like fireworks. Dazzling and beautiful.

"Of course." He said. "But. Not here."

Your eyes sulked.

"Let's pick a meet up spot." He said, showing you a map of the city.

You both chose a spot. It was quite far, almost the outskirts of the city. Not much happened there, construction wasn't up to date in that area so not many people ever traveled that far. You weren't sure why, or what it was for, but you'd do anything to see him again. You both decided on a week from now, 8 o clock sharp.

"If you're late, I won't forgive you." You told him. Tears starting to brim your eyes again from the fear of never seeing him. It was as if your world revolved around him. He was your sun.

"Then I guess I'll have to arrive early." He breathed. He wiped away the tears that threatened to spill.

The two of you parted ways, with the hope you would see each other again soon.

Your mood changed in the days leading up to it. You were smiling and positive. Everyone around you was also quick to notice your change in temperament.

You called up your knife buddy Wire.

The two of you talking all night. You were nervous about him not showing up, but you were also nervous about him showing up. Wire listened to your rant and problems with the blond. You never mentioned his name though. Just referring to him as "this guy". You weren't sure about your relationship with him, but with his secrecy as well, you figured it would be best to keep his name well hidden. Just in case.

Wire had given you some pointers and tips on what to do in certain situations and how to respond. He wanted the both of you to work out and he was gladly giving his intake on the situation.

The day before meeting up, he also came over and fixed up your hair and clothes. He braided your hair so that when you undid them, they would be beautiful curled locks. And the outfit was rather lewd at first, but after a few tries, you both found the perfect outfit.

"Make sure you use this." Wire handed you a condom.

"Wha! I don't need that! It's the first date! Sort of.." you were a blushing mess.

"It's a just in case."

Steam piped from your ears like a cloud of smoke pouring from a hot tea kettle. Sighing you grabbed it anyways.

"I doubt I'll use it." You huffed in embarrassment.

"No, but he might." he snickered.

After much fuss, he left you alone to your thoughts.

Traveling to your destination spot, you noticed he was already there.

"I didn't make you wait long did I?" You asked running up to him.

He looked over and saw you.

His muscles tensed and he let out a shaky breath.

His reaction made you nervous.


"Beautiful." He whispered a faint word, but you just barely heard it.

A huge blush dusted your features.

He reached for you hesitantly, like he was afraid of getting too close.

You moved forward and brought him into a big tight hug. His body instantly relaxing into you, strong arms cradling your small form.

"I've missed you." He whispered into your ear.

Heat rushed up and shivered your core.

"I missed you too." You nuzzled your nose with his.

" I've got a surprise for you." He said, excitement in his tone. He walked you over to a large clearing with a single big cherry blossom tree.

It was beautiful.

A large fluffy blanket was sprawled onto the grass underneath the large tree. A small woven basket lay gently on top, cleverly placed dining ware stacked neatly aside it, and intentionally placed roses were scattered among the set up.

He had made a picnic for the two of you.

A romantic one at that.

"Well. Do you like it?" Killer shifted from one foot to the other. He was clearly taking your silence for the worst. He was a nervous wreck.

"Like it?" You repeated like the answer was obvious.

"I can take it down—" you cut him off as you rushed over to him and threw your arms around him. Littering his face in kisses from every angle.

"I love it!!" You exclaimed with excitement in your voice. You were taken aback by his romantic gesture, but you welcomed it with open arms. It was the sweetest thing a boy had ever done for you.

You excitedly pulled him down to sit on the comfy blanket. Although the plates were arranged to sit facing one another, you seated yourself right beside him, your form leaning into him.

He poured you a glass of sweet pink moscato, and prepared you a plate of homemade spaghetti.

The two of you sat underneath that tree for hours. Talking about anything and everything about one another. Learning about each others favorites to least favorites. And taking a moment to appreciate your shared interests and differences.

It was bliss.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now