Chapter 2

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The walk home was silent. No talking was heard, no footsteps of busybodies parading the streets, even a single chirp from the crickets were muted. The setting only made the walk more dreary and forlorned. There was a small dark alleyway in between the company building and the apartment complex. And just past there was the parking lot, which was heavily lit by numerous street lamps . If you could make it out of range from the alley you would be safe and in light. At least in the light you could see possible threats.

Your hopes were diminished as you felt hands grasp at your arm and mouth. Unable to scream for help, your back collided with the wall of the nearby building. The stench of filth infiltrated your nostrils from the close proximity of the dumpsters beside you. Great. No one could hear or see you. Pain invaded your senses, spiraling across your back and head from the heavy slam earlier. Your breathing hitched and your heart picked up pace as you tried to see your attacker in the dim moonlight night.

"Well aren't you a pretty face." The heavy smell of alcohol fanned your face as a gruff voice vibrated harshly against your ears. Panic setter in, your voice muffled under his clammy hand as you tried to struggle against his grip. "Now, now. No need to be so hasty girlie. Why don't you stay for a good time huh?" Your unknown attacker tremendously failed at trying to flirt with you, his chest shoving deeper into you as he forced your struggles to quiet down. "What's a beauty like you doing out this late? You know night time is the mafia's time right? I can protect you though as long as you cooperate." His rugged voice caused your head to spin in disgust. Tears pricked your eyes as you tried again to get out of the man's grasp. He began getting aggressive at your unwillingness, his other hand roaming your body from behind, tugging at your shirt and bottoms.

Never feeling more violated in your life, you glanced at your surroundings in a haste. Finding an opening from the left of the man, you bit down on his hand. The taste of dirt and blood on your lips made you want to vomit. He howled in agony as he pulled away temporarily, but just enough for you to launch your body full force at the man. Squeezing through the tight space between the man and the dumpster, dashing towards the open street. You relish in freedom, before pain sears through your head. The man yanked at your hair in a fury, managing to pull you back into the depths of the alleyway. A loud gasp emits past your lips before you crash onto the cold concrete.

"You little bitch! That hurt! I was gonna take it nice and easy on you, but not anymore you little shit!" The man bellows in anger, kicking at your stomach and stomping on your face. You bring your arms to your head, trying to ease the impact of the man's heavy boot. Pain littered your body, stinging and dulling your nervous system simultaneously. "You-". His voice was cut off and replaced with groans of his own as he stopped imprinting pain upon you. "Wait- who are you! Mind your business!" The man almost sounded pleading as another presence interrupted his beating. He spewed coughs from his throat. You glimpse up as you see the man hung up by his neck by another figure. The figure's grip tightens on his throat, causing the man's face to pale in the moonlight. Your vision burred and your savior had their back to you. The only thing you noticed was long flowing hair before you passed out, sleep consuming your tired and battered form.


The morning sun peaked out behind an open window. A light breeze fanned your face in a gentle manner. Voices could be heard in a hushed conversation. Your eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the bright sun rays . You were neatly tucked into a comfy bed. But where were you? This wasn't your apartment bedroom. Your heart elevated as you attempted to sit up, but pain forced you to lay back down. Memories of last night flood your brain, wincing at the bruises you can now feel all over your abdomen and arms. Then you remembered your savior, and their long flowing hair in the moonlight.

"Y/n! You're finally awake!" A blond head pops into view, a noticeable scar poking through tousled locks. "We were so worried about you! Marco found you unconscious in the receptionist area. I don't think he's slept at all yet. He blames himself for not walking you home." The blond sits at a chair beside the bed.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now