Chapter 17

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"What the fuck are you doing?"

Oh no...

You turned to see a fiery of red and angry.

There was no doubt in your mind he would destroy the little blossom of love that was blooming within the hearts of the two love birds. If he interrupted them, there was no telling what would happen. And you couldn't let even the smallest of doubt reach the ears of your beloved friend. He deserved to find happiness free of prejudice and malice.

In an attempt to distract the fire ball long enough for Wire and Heat to walk out of sight you grasped his side and shoved him into the bush.

"The Hell are you doing WOMAN!?" He was beyond confused at your behavior and it made him angry.

"I won't let you be mean to Wire!" You whisper shouted. Checking to see that the pair indeed left the premises, unbeknownst of the hectic scene playing behind them.

"What?! You're the one spying on them! What are you after? " he poked accusations against you hinting not so subtly that you were after an ulterior motive.

How dare he insinuate anything more than pure support for your dear friend. He had given you a piece of his friendship with the knife he so kindly gave you the day you met. There was nothing more you wanted from him. His friendship was enough and it was more valuable to you than whatever the red head was referring to.

However your own anger and frustration was run short from the deep scowl written on the man's face. His anger was exerted outwards and draining down at your confidence. But you couldn't sell your friend short, and you definitely wouldn't let this stranger compromise and question your personal values.

"I'm after his happiness!" You puffed, cheeks flared from a mixture of agitation and slight terror at the burly man glaring down at you.

His death glare softened ever so slightly however from your declaration, a change not many would ever notice. A change that also didn't make you any less terrified at the guy.

A silence blew over the both of you, creating a suffocating feeling, fearing what would happen next.

"Tsk. Do what you want." He said, getting up and dusting off the nonexistent dust lingering on his shoulder.

The tense atmosphere was replaced with a light breeze.

"You mean.. you won't do anything." You were surprised he backed down so easily. You were almost at the brink of wetting yourself in a moment of panic only seconds before.

He rose what would have been a brow, if he had actually owned any.

"Why would I?" He asked annoyed, feigning slight disgust as if he were appalled by your accusations towards him.

"You know. You're pretty nice when you aren't angry." You were relieved he was unbiased towards your friend. You felt proud of yourself for defending him even when all odds of winning against this beast were below zero.

This statement caught the red head completely off guard and he slipped in his stoic facade. A large blush coated his face in a shade that put his hair to shame.

"ARE YOU MOCKING ME!?" He shouted, face still flush, shoulders squared as if he were ready to lay down an arm.

"I didn't mean anything by it!" You put you're hands up in defense, fear heard in your high pitched voice.

"Tsk. Whatever." He starts walking away. "I've got better things to do anyways..." he mumbled to himself as he faded into the distance.

You make no move to follow him, relieved to be free of the suspenseful atmosphere.

You put a hand to your beating heart, still shaking from the shock. The authority and power that man displayed was too much for your timid soul. Your heart needed recovering after all the trauma it endured by your chivalrous endeavor.

"You're heart beat is irregular."

A small yet deep voice resonated behind you. And you were scared beyond wits. A jolt spiraled up from your feet to your head, making you hazy and you jumped in shock. Looking back quickly to catch the onlooker you hadn't seen or heard coming.

"Didn't mean to frighten you." The man said. He was tall and slim, like a snake laid out to tan.

Tattoos spread out on his chest that was peeking through the white button up he was wearing, and his knuckles spelled out death.

"You should get checked out." He said once more after you made no move to reply to him. The shock still embedded in your brain. And you were at a loss of how this man approached you so nonchalantly with that cold and stoic nature about him.

He didn't look like the type to start conversation, and his attitude was unarmed unlike his appearance.

"R-right. Thank you for the advice.." you managed to mutter some words that might make him walk away from the situation all together. You had strange vibes from this guy, and you weren't sure you wanted to proceed with how things have played out thus far.

Though, the feeling of unease subsided almost instantly the moment a giant bear with the cutest face ran up and licked your hand. Well. Not a bear per say. But it was the cutest Alaskan malamute. All white like fluffy snowflakes.

The sheer adorableness from the dog was enough to break the tense air and you beamed at the big fluffy pup.

The want to pet the ball of fluff was very evident on your face and you could not contain your excitement.

"He's friendly." The man said, subtly giving you permission to pet the dog to your heart's content.

"I love him." You whispered uncontrollably, your hands and feet moving on its own to hug the beast and cover him in yourself. The dog obeyed silently, sitting and letting you do what you wanted, enjoying the warmth and love emitting off of you.

Reading the dog tag around his neck, you learned of the adorable animals name.


The dog instantly recognized its own name and wagged his tail in delight. He was used to love and attention it seemed, and you were over joyous he was, because that meant the scary owner took extremely good care of him.

You were thankful for Bepo's presence, because you were in need of a good hug.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now