Chapter 20

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Killer's POV

Cooking was second nature to me. Without any hesitation, my body began moving on its own like implicit memory. Especially since spaghetti was something I was very familiar with. Cooking was one of my main jobs at home with Kid. I do it so often, I feel like a robot on auto pilot. Like I just switched on another endless loop.

Almost lost in a trance I began searching for pots and prepping for the noodles.

Opening the package of spaghetti, I divided the perfect amount of noodles for two people. Turning to the side to place them aside, my heart caught in my throat.

My trance was broken instantly.

Smooth curves glazed in the bright kitchen light. Ruffled lace rose up to her mid thighs. A big ribbon bow lay at her back just above her hips. The apron beautifully encasing her being, but leaving her fully exposed to me in the back.

Of course she was wearing tight leggings, but my mind couldn't process that much information.

All I could think was.

She was wearing my favorite color.

In my stupor moment, I knocked over the pot. The kitchen utensil throwing itself upon the floor in a dramatic haze, but the sound in made upon contact with it was deaf to me. My ears droned into the small angelic squeak that came from her from the startle she was given.

I subconsciously let go of the noodles in my hand, letting them spread over the floor unintentionally.

As I watched her turn towards me I was completely overwhelmed by the loud beating in my chest.

Her perfectly sculpted body was hugged nicely by the apron, and I felt sudden envy towards it.

Her beautiful shiny eyes looked at me with a cute pout of confusion.

"Killer?" She stated with much concern towards me.

I felt bad for making her worry, but I was also overjoyed that she would share such a feeling for me.  She made me feel truly loved and needed.

I felt jittery.

And paralyzed under her curious gaze.

Oh did she ask me a question?

"I-...I.." I couldn't manage a single word. Why do I feel this way only around her. I felt like a broken record. I ruined the spaghetti. How would I tell her that. "Sorry..."

She still seemed so bright and cheerful despite my careless mistakes. She made it feel like I couldn't wrong her. I wish I could believe that, but she'll eventually find no use in me if I keep this up...

"Hey, it's okay. No worries. It was just a happy accident! I have more spaghetti." She cheered and grabbed a dust bag an and broom from the pantry.

No way was I gonna let her clean up my mess. I'll get down on my hands and knees if I have to.

I immediately knelt down and started picking up the spaghetti.

"Wait! Killer? I have a broom, no need to touch the floor. You'll get dirty." She called frantically. Going over to where I was in the kitchen.

"No, I can do it. Let me do it, please?" I told her. She looked so adorable with that cute pout on her face. She was always so stunning regardless of the situation.

"No way!" She yelled.

I was taken back by this. Did I do something wrong? She won't make me leave would she? I don't wanna leave...

I must have made a face because she gently interrupted my negative thoughts. A soft hand on top of mine.

"I can help. Let me help you... Please?" She stared at me with those shiny doe eyes of hers.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now