Chapter 22

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Normal POV


Stumbling over his own feet, Killer tripped and miraculously landed onto your bed. Heavy breathing and heart pounding filled his distracted ears as blood flowed to his head. Red flushed his cheeks in an almost drunken stupor. A hefty side effect to the close proximity you two were intimately in.

You clutched his firm waist with your thighs, and forcefully maneuvered your way on top; successfully flipping your current position.

"Killer~" you purred out his name, the said man humming in delight.

He was so cute under you. Dazzling blue sapphire eyes peering up at you through half closed eyes, cheeks burning red like flaring embers of a sparked flame, and smooth plump lips spread slightly ajar with every sharp breath of air.

His reaction was so cute to just a few touches from you. He was already a drooling mess and barely anything had happened yet. You wanted to see more of his cute faces. Wanted to explore how he would react going forward.

He didn't look to be the type to still be a virgin, but the way he reacted so quickly and fervently implicated major signs that he was. Which only turned you on even more. The thought of being the one and only one to claim this beautiful piece of art, created a euphoric atmosphere.

You weren't able to hold yourself back any longer; the sight alone from the man was driving you insane. It seemed Killer had the same thought as he reached at your top, tugging it down gently as a whine escaped his throat. A pouty face from the lack of affection and touch alluded him. You wanted him and he wanted you. And that made butterflies happily jitter in your chest.

Reaching down you once again touched soft lips together with perfect synchronization. The kiss much more needy and exasperant.

Liking his bottom lip, you gently bit and suckled upon it. Light moans emanating from him uncontrollably like a delirious high.

Plunging your tongue into his mouth, you hands trailed into his hair, grabbing at the back of his head. His hands trailed down to your hips as he tried to buck into them, but they were propped too high for his struggle to touch. The reason being, you were on your knees bent over him.

Smiling at his behavior, you pulled away from the kiss, much to his dismay, and hovered over his ear.

"Nah uh, baby. You've got to be patient." You whispered. You could almost feel the pout he was currently making, a small huff left his mouth in mock dissatisfaction.

You then bit his ear lope, licking the side of it. This sent visible shivers throughout Killer's body; goosebumps forming on his skin.

Trailing down to his neck, you left wet sloppy kisses the further you traveled until a small gasp left Killer's lips. Taking note of the spot, you bit down, gnawing and sucking at the skin until it bruised a scarlet purple. A string of moans left him as he squirmed underneath you. He was a panting mess as you left the spot and trailed further down, pulling up at his shirt once it got in the way.

Killer practically tore at the shirt to get it off him. Now seeing a full clear view of his exposed chest, you trailed your hands down his fine curves and muscular lines. Rubbing your thumbs over his perked pink nipples, Killer let out a mewl.

This abruptly startled the blond. His eyes widened as you felt him jump under you. He reached up and covered his reddening face with his hands.

You couldn't help but smile at his antics. He was too adorable, your heart wasn't able to process such emotions.

"Hey, Killer baby~" you called out, reaching up and grabbing one of his hands. Pulling it down just enough to where you can see a bright blue eye piercing up at you. Small tears cornered his eye from embarrassment, and the sight pulled at your heart strings. "Aww, baby. I wanna hear more." You grinned softly at him.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now