Chapter 18

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Killer pov

My heart flutters.

A smile unknowingly reaches my lips.

I hate my smile. I revolt it at any given moment. But now, I can't help but relish in this moment. An emotion so foreign to me.

Makes me light on my feet.
Makes my arms sway side by side.
Makes my stride bounce at a quicken pace.

Just the thought of her gives me hopeless joy.

And I'm addicted to this feeling of loving Y/n.

"You seem happy." I recognized the voice beside me.

I glance at the red head.

"Is it a girl?" He nonchalantly caught me like a fish on a hook.

My grin widened. A characteristic I only did around him.

"Can't I just be happy?" I mocked back at him, hinting at he was getting too ahead of himself. I wanted to make it seem like there was nothing I was hiding from him. Although that would be the biggest lie by far. And he always manages to see through me.

"You can. And seeing as how it's genuine... I'm glad." He told me. My breath stilled and I faltered slightly in my facade. "But if it's a girl. Fuck her and call it quits." He abruptly brought back the stoic expression to my face.

"There's no one." I kept my cool, but it was a struggle to keep his suspicions to a down low.

He stared at me like a hawk eyeing its prey. But he eventually dropped it.

"Then do what you want. " he said.

I didn't blame him for feeling that way. It's the reason I have been hiding my relationship and why I had left her so abruptly before. Kid had lost the love of his life to his enemies. Victoria. He swore to never let anyone get involved ever again.  And he wants what's best for me. He wouldn't want my heart to be ripped out like his was if something were to happen. Again.

But I couldn't help myself. Once catching sight of Y/n, I was down for the count and drowning above water. Like a fish. And the agony only grew when I tried to part from her. I knew it was for her own safety, but my heart was split in two. And I feared my own death. Spiraling endlessly down in a blunder to love. I was suffocating in the air that surrounded me every day. To weak to move on. To seek the future. I was utterly hopeless.

And now with her back by my side.

I'm hopelessly helpless.

As if she were of royalty, and I a mere slave at her beck and call. And was more than glad to do it.

Like she were my lifeline, the only thing keeping this heart beating. And I let her.

I was in all the way. And there was no chance of me ever coming back out.

Lost in thought, I noticed I was the only one in the house.

If I recall earlier, Kid had gone out for a stroll, and Heat was meeting up with Wire. I just never replied to either of them. Too consumed with thoughts of my Y/n.

I felt jittery all over again.

And too hard for comfort.

A nice walk may do me good as well. I can catch up with Kid if I hurry.

I grabbed my shoes and skipped out the door.

The breeze flew through my hair, my locks reflecting the rays of the sun and blinding other passerbys. My skin felt free, the air sending a refreshing chill down to my toes, sending goosebumps to the surface.

The air was fresh. Inhaling the crisp wind, sending oxygen down to my lungs and coursing throughout my body.

It was different.

I felt different.

And I enjoyed every moment of it.

Turning the corner, I spotted her.

Her beauty was enchanting.

Her eyes dazzled like light reflected off the surface of water. Shimmering and moving in every wave.

And my heart yearned for her.

But it also clenched at the sight before me.

Her arms tightly around the body of another.

How I envied that sight. To be free and express myself wholeheartedly.

I was jealous.

How dare he touch what's mine. What I've worked so hard for. What I sacrificed so much for, and am still doing for.

To have it all so easily be given to someone else without so much of a thought.

My hand grabbed the side of the building I was leaning over, accidentally breaking the brick wall and having it crumple down to me feet.

And him.

Who looked over with that smug face and filthy smile. Tongue drooling out in the bliss he felt from her touch. My rage poured over in a menacing glare.

It seems he smelled me from afar, and I moved before she could look over.

Why was I hiding?

Looking back over, Y/n had bid farewell to the happy ball of fluff, and walked away.

I was relieved that he was away from her. If I stay here, she will pass by, and I can find Kid.

I close my eyes so I won't catch sight of her. Just her sight was enough to magnetize myself to her like she was my gravity.

But as I closed my eyes. My sight went back to her holding that mutt. And my heart once more clenched.

And I felt saddened by the thought.

I wanted a hug from her too.

That's not fair. She's mine. I got her, so she should be all mine. I don't want to share. I shouldn't have to, and if I kept her locked up no one will be able to even see her.

Dark thoughts clouded my mind. I shouldn't think like that. She'll come back to me. Right?

Before any doubt could cross my mind, I felt a familiar soft touch on my cheek.

"Killer?" An angelic voice reached out and guided me out of the darkness.

Opening my eyes I see her standing before me. A worrying expression on her face. I didn't want to see that kind of reaction from her.

She wiped my cheek. A tear was left on her delicate finger tips.

Was I crying?

How shameful of me. I was at a loss of what to say or do. She had that affect on me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I was silent for a moment. Thinking about what I should say. And before my thoughts could say I was okay, my voice came out and spoke for me.

"I need a hug."

It was so unexpected my eyes widened. I said that out loud?

But nonetheless, she reached out and hugged me.

And I trembled in her warmth.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now