Chapter 23

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Normal POV


"Oh Killer~. It's not over yet baby~" you sang sweetly, trailing hands down his muscular stomach.

Killer's face flushed red. He's never been this intimate with another person before. No one had ever struck him into awe, and most people run the other way at the mere sight of him. You were the first to touch his heart, and reach out to him. He was in bliss. He felt as if he had really achieved heaven, despite the sins that plagued him.

He could die in your arms, and the only thing he would regret, is leaving you behind by yourself.

"I get the feeling this is your first time?" You smiled at his flushed face.

His hands reached up and covered his face. He muffled a quite," it is..." partly in shame, but partly in curiosity as well.

Of course he had touched himself a few times before, more so recently after meeting you. And he had seen a few things on tv or with Kid at the bar. But being here with you, about to experience it for the first time, he was more than ready. If only you would have him, he would give you it all.

"Don't worry. It's mine too. We can learn together. Okay?" You cooed. You were slightly nervous at getting this far. You had read many books on this kind of moment, and putting it into action was a whole new level of difficulty. But it was also exhilarating.

Killer's Pov

My eyes widen at her words.

Her first time?

It was her first time as well?

My heart fluttered like a hummingbird.

She was so dominating and skillful, I never would have thought. I wouldn't have minded if she had been this intimate with someone else before, as long as I got to have this relationship with her. Of course my heart wrenches at the thought of another man touching her in this way, but now I'm overly joyed at this revelation. I get to have this woman all to myself.

And I don't have to search for any previous exes.

I'm sure if this were my old self, before meeting Y/n, I wouldn't have mind just being someone in her many. But now, I can't allow anyone else to reach it this far with her. I want her; all of her. All for myself.

What ever it takes.

I hope it never comes to that though. I want to trust her completely, with my heart.

My heart thumped loudly, and my blood ran hot.

She was turning me on with her words.

And I liked it.

I could only nod in agreement.

She moved her hands from my chest, and I felt the sudden chill her lack of warmth provided me.

She reached up and grabbed the hem of her shirt, pulling it up above her head. Showcasing a beautiful royal blue lace strappy bra.

I felt the heat run to my face. And also to the nether region below. Her body was perfectly curved in every direction. Her plump boobs looked squish-able and delicate.

My mouth suddenly watered, and I felt the urge to touch her. I wanted to feel just how soft and warm she was.

But I was frozen to the spot. I didn't have the nerves to put my thoughts into action. I felt helpless in her presence.

She giggled in an angelic voice.

I must have been making an unknowing face. And I only just realized I may have been staring a little too long.

" You can touch Killer baby~ I won't bite... Too hard~" she entices me with her taunting voice. She grabs my hands and places them on her delicate body. Her hands were so small compared to mine. And her skin felt like it would melt in my hands.

She reaches up and grabs my face, leaning in for a sweet kiss. She had my mind in a haze, and it was slowly slipping from me. All I could think about was Y/n. How badly I wanted her. With her permission granted, I roamed my hands  over her body. She seemed to enjoy that as she hummed in response, her lips vibrating against my own.

My heart swelled. It made me happy that my small touches were something she enjoyed feeling.

My hands brushed against her bra straps, my finger tips feeling the soft treaded fabric.

She broke the kiss and left kisses down my jawline to my ear. Whispering sexily to me, my breath became ragged from the lack of air. She never ceased to take my breath away every time.

"Remove it." She demanded. I felt compelled to listen and do as she obeyed. A sense of boldness came over me, and I attempted to fumble with the back of her garment.

I became flustered as I wasn't able to get it off. Until it just so happened to click out of place.

I could feel her beautiful smile against my skin; successfully sending goosebumps down my entire being.

I could feel her breasts spill onto my chest as she removed the clothing from beneath her. They felt warm and nice on my skin.

She sat upright, giving me full view of her gorgeous chest.

I was at a loss. My mouth hung open and my mind wiped clean of any thoughts.

She grabbed my hand and pulled it up to cup one of her mounds. I unconsciously squeezed at it, making a small emit come from her lips.

Blood rushed to my head from the wondrous sound she had made. I wanted to hear more of them.

I brought my other hand to her other boob, and gave it a firm massage as well. Her sounds were light and airy.

With a moan, she took one of my hands away, and leaned towards me. Her hand intertwined with mine as she held it against the bed, and she scooted up on my chest.

My breath hitched in my throat as she hovered her perked nipple over my lips, just barely touching.

"Suck" was all she said, simple yet powerful. And I felt obliged to follow her command. With courage, I took her breast in my mouth; her taste so sweet.

I could feel myself getting harder as her faint labored breathing resonated through my ears. And the grasp she had on my hand tightened.

It excited me to know my touch left her as breathless as I was. I affected her the same way she affected me. And my heart swirled because of it.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now