Chapter 8

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The continued walk to your luxurious apartment was quiet. Checking the time. It was only 6:38 pm. But the sun was already set, and the moon replaced its position in the skies. The day was fun and eventful. You hoped you could keep up with your new friends on a regular basis.

Passing by the alleyway rather quickly, you halted in your steps when a glass broke. Why has this place become the pandemic of your nightmares.

Unsure if you should even stay you glanced over and saw bright yellow.

This immediately drew your attention and you unconsciously crept closer to get a better look in the dark.

Blonde flowing locks swayed gently in the light breeze. Covering his porcelain face. And a deep crimson red dampened his clothes.

It was Killer.

And he was bleeding.

Fear washed over you unexplainably. You weren't sure why you were so drawn to this beautiful man. You couldn't deny your taste for blondes, but this feeling was different. More extreme.

Your body rushed to his side, instantly taking hold of his arm, dread rising in your sulken face.

" K-Killer. Wha-what happened?" Your fear was evident in your voice as it broke uncontrollably.

He flinched visibly before looking up at your tearful eyes. His golden blue orbs dancing under the yellow lamp post just a little ways away from you both.

He was flawless.

"Y/n? Why are you..." he was unable to finish his sentence, sleep taking his features slowly.

Not wanting him to pass out in the alley way you pulled his muscular toned arm over your shoulders and pulled him up. He helped with what little strength he had left, blood seemingly pooling down his hand as he tried to keep the bleeding pressurized with his other arm.

"We- we need a hospital!!" You were in full panic mode.

The putrid slight and smell of blood wafting nausea over you. You didn't ever want to see him bleed again.

"No...Please." Killer denied the help of professionals.

You knitted your brows in confusion as you tried to quickly think of a better solution. Looking towards your apartment building a light flickered in your brain.

"Okay. It's okay. It'll be okay." You were trying to reassure yourself more than anything.

You practically half dragged him to the elevator then up to your flat. You were thankful no blood trailed after your endeavor.

You gently him down on your couch. It was a thick leather so any blood would be easily cleaned.

He plopped with difficult unease onto the long bed like couch. The leather making if difficult to be comfortable in.

"Sorry it's not the comfiest." You told him in a whisper, afraid of making him uncomfortable with your situation.

"It's fine." He strained himself to speak, and you could tell he was in much pain. Drifting in and out of consciousness.

You had to do something about the bleeding. Examining his perfectly sculpted body for the injury. You assumed the place with the most blood was where it was at, which was his side stomach.

"I'm gonna take a look at it." You said with nervousness. You weren't sure how bad the damage was. And you were almost too afraid to look.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now