Chapter 7

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The two of you spent hours listening and talking about Wire's crush. It wasn't until nightfall did you two realize how much time you had spent together. He had offered to walk you home out of respect and courtesy. But you were pepper spray ready. He thought it was adorable how you thought all you needed was pepper spray. You waved goodbye before heading off to your own directions.

The evening chills came earlier than anticipated. The nights were getting colder and longer. It was the changing of seasons. The cool air, tousled and turned your hair in every which way. The crisp scent of fallen leaves straying along with the light breeze. Stars evaded the night sky, flowing ever so beautifully in a twinkling glow.

That is until you were suddenly pushed into the wall from a brute force.

You never anticipated you'd have to use you pepper spray so soon.

But in your haste the bottle was knocked to the ground. How unfortunate.

The man towered over you. His blue hair caging you in like a rabbit in a cell.

He looked familiar. And his appearance almost seemed to resemble a certain crush in which you were given the complete run down of.

Your suspicions were made clear by what he said next.

"Who do you think you are to him?" He was beyond angry at you, his face taking on a look so disdained and scarce.

But you had to confirm your theory.

"Who?" You asked in mock terror. If he was who you thought he was, you knew enough about him to know he wouldn't actually hurt you out of the courtesy of his dear friend. He was merely trying to get a rile out of you.

"Tsk! The man you've been spending way too much time with and way too close to all day today! He doesn't need you to break his heart and play him! I know people like y—" you had placed a hand to his mouth to quiet his tantrum. He was displeased with your actions but it was effective.

"We aren't dating." You said straight to the point so he could understand your motive.

"Then why were you hanging out all day today? Wire never hangs with anyone else but me and the guys." His voice was still laced with anger, but also a twinge of hurt.

"We are just great friends. He just needed.. advice. " you chose your words carefully, you couldn't just sell out your boy so easily to his crush.

His face fell. His frown apparent on his features.

You felt guilty. You couldn't tell him Wire's secret, but you could give him a glimmer of hope. You wanted more than anything for these two to be happy. For Wire.

" You're Heat right? He spoke very highly of you." You said.

Ever so slightly, his eyes sparkled.

" R-really?" There was a light blush dusting his face.

"Yeah. I could tell who you were from his description. It's nice to formally meet you. I'm Y/n" you said reaching out your hand in a friendly gesture.

He backed away from you and returned the feeling.

"I'm Heat. So. Umm. What else did he say about me?" His face showed interest and contempt. A complete 180 of the previous encounter just minutes prior.

He was jealous of your time together. How adorable.

"He said you were great at singing. And that you liked to play guitar." It was cute how he gushed at your words. His feelings for Wire were mutual. Now all you had to do was get them together.

"He really said that?" He was glowing like a man in love. A true spectacle.

"You should ask him yourself! He is your friend you know." You giggle at his blushing reaction.

"Hey. I'm sorry for startling you and forcing you to the wall. I wasn't really planning on hurting you." He said, a small glimmer of regret in his facial expression.

"I know. I could tell you would do anything for Wire."

Even if it meant letting him go.

"We should hang out sometime. I'm actually pretty chill. Maybe next time Wire asks to hang out with you?" He was wanting to spend some time with Wire mostly, he must have felt left out when Wire wanted to hang with me instead of him.

" Of course! I'll definitely let him know to bring you along!" You were beyond thrilled at this occasion. Love was blossoming right under your nose.

"Thanks. Here's my phone. You should put your number in it." He said ganging you his sacred device.

You entered your number and handed it back to him. After a small farewell, you started back for your little apartment. A smile fixated on your smooth face.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now