Chapter 4

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It had been a few days since you were stuck in the infirmary, with only Marco to keep your sanity alive. Occasionally your dad would drop by, and other times Sabo would bring Ace in. Apparently Ace was visiting the city for a while, but he lives where you moved from. So the two of you were pretty close. Marco finally deemed you healthy enough to walk around and rest at home. You were ecstatic, but that also meant most of your week off was gone, and you only had two more days to yourself before you would start your training for your new position.

After getting back to your apartment, you took a much needed shower. Washing away all the dirt from that night. It still have you goosebumps. You never had to worry about that in your hometown. It was much smaller and everybody knew everybody. But here it was different. It was big with people bustling everywhere. You would need to be more careful from now on. Maybe you should carry some pepper spray with you..

Deciding that was a splendid idea, you make you way to the little corner store off the end of your street. It was conveniently placed. You step inside and start looking through the aisles. It had to be here somewhere. You turned for the next aisle and notice someone was there at the end, so you kept your distance.  Looking at the shelves you finally catch sight of what your looking for.

Why are these next to the air fresheners? What if someone mixed them up, or thought it was a scent?

And of course they were on the top shelf. And not just the top shelf, but the top top shelf. Like where they usually keep overstock product? Yeah. That top shelf. Why don't stores make things more accessible. You reach for the pepper spray with your tip toes, fingers barely brushing against them. Til it scoots further onto the shelf, making it nearly impossible to reach at this point. You don't give up though, determined to get what you came here for. You almost reached it again until a hand glides over to the bottle of pepper spray. Picking it up without difficulty and bringing it down to your head. You look over and spot the tallest man you have ever seen.

The man remained quiet, silently asking you to take the bottle from his hand. He had a hood over his head and little axes on his neck bound by a chain. He seemed friendly enough.

"Thank you." You say as you take the pepper spray from the man. He nods and looks to the shelves, still in search of something. He finds what he's looking for as he goes to grab it and walks to the register. What a quiet man.

Now that you got what you came for, you get in line to pay and then exit the store. But there was a commotion going on at the register. It's the man you helped you earlier. He was trying to pay for his things but the man behind the counter refused service.

"We don't serve to people like you! Scram!" The register man yelled.

How rude. Just cause he looks a little different.m, they were segregating him! It's not like he was stealing! You got a little pissed and irritated at that. You looked at the man's name tag and it said Jerry.

"Don't be rude to a paying customer. You shouldn't be so picky in your line of work. Show him some respect and move on, Jerry." You scolded the man for being so rude. The silent man just watched you with astonished eyes. Jerry however was throwing a fit.

"No. His kind isn't welcomed here! I won't tolerate it. I won't sell him jack shit!" The Jerry shouted, face red and steaming with anger.

Not being able to do much more with the stubborn ass man you tried a different route.

"Okay, fine." You look at everything that was on the counter. You placed the pepper spray amongst the items. " I'm ready to check out then. I'll be buying all this" you shove the items closer to Jerry so he would get the hint to scan everything that was there. You smirk at his flabbergasted face. A frown appearing on his face as he rings you up. You take the bag of items. "Thank you." Although this man didn't really deserve one.

You look over to the tall man, his mouth agape and shocked expression gracing his face. You take out the pepper spray and hand him the rest. " Sorry that man was so rude to you. He's just jealous he's not as cool." You whisper the last part with a wink.

You're about to head back home when you're grabbed by the shoulder. You didn't think you would need to use your pepper spray this soon. You quickly turn around grabbing your spray bottle before stopping. It was the man from the store.

"Is there something you needed?" You tried to be polite but if this guy tries anything you were gonna spray him. He pulls out a knife. Oh shit. What's pepper spray gonna do against a knife? You flinch, closing your eyes waiting for an impact. Anything. But it never came. You open your eyes again and the man is still standing there staring at you with a 'really' face. The knife still in his hand reached out to your.

Does he want me to take it?

You reach for the knife and he places it in your palm. Then he eyes the pepper spray in your other hand. Was he trying to say pepper spray wasn't enough? And I should carry a knife too? You thought this must have been the case. Otherwise what else would he be thinking by giving you a knife.  You take a closer look at the knife and it's got numbers scribbled on it. What?


"Friends" was all the man said. He finally speaks and all he says is friends. He wants to be friends? Was this a peace offering. Like a friendship bracelet, except a friendship knife. He was about to walk away when you called out to him. He stops and looks back.

"I... didn't get your name." You suddenly felt a little nervous asking such a ridiculous question.

A glimmer of a smile ghosts his lips. "Wire" and with that he was gone. Wire? His name was Wire? And. He's your first friend since moving to the city that you made! You were cheerful and a little giddy. You saved his number in your phone in case you ever needed it. You were friends after all. But. You never told him your name. What a great way to start off. You texted him a quick hi with your name so he could have your number as well. He surprisingly texted a lot for someone who was so quiet. Sending paragraphs at a time. It was nice knowing you had somebody to talk to that didn't also work with you. You went home happy.

You bruises still ached. But the majority of the swelling had gone down. You remember Marco had told you to apply cream on your bruises to help them heal. After you took care of your wounds, you decided to head back out. The day was still full and you had a knife and pepper spray on you in case you stayed out too late like last time. But let's not make that a habit.

You decided you needed coffee to start your day, and what's better than Starbucks? Well, Black Rifle Company was pretty good but there weren't any of those around. So Starbucks it was! You headed over. Maybe you should hang with your new friend? You texted Wire if he would want to go to Starbucks with you. He politely declined, he was busy, but would be down to hang out tomorrow. Tomorrow was your second to last day off. You were excited.

After reaching the desired place you ordered your favorite drink. You decided to sit and enjoy your cup before doing anything more. You sat outside. There was a beautiful garden with flowers and trees everywhere. A small bird bath sat in front of you so you watched the birds come and go. Their chirping creating a beautiful melody. You hummed along enjoying the suns company.

"May I join you?"

You hear someone beside you, their voice was soft like rain tapping against a window. You glance at the person who spoke.

Your heart skipped a beat.

Or maybe two.

You loose your voice the more you stare. Mouth just gaping to the wind. The man before you was too beautiful. Even more so than words could describe. Beautiful golden locks swayed in the wind. Sun glistening off of each strand, almost blinding you. It was so long, stretching past his shoulders and towards his lower waist.  Fair skin like freshly fallen snow. Pure and untouched. Lips red and heart shaped. They looked so soft. But that wasn't what made your heart elevate and your face flush bright red. Butterflies in your stomach.

Brilliant blue sapphire eyes stare back at you. Eyes so captivating and entranced. Luring you deep into his soul. Like you could see every star and planet within them. Like they held everything you ever saw, will see, and will never get to.

Eyes just like that night.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now