Chapter 6

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The sun peered through the curtains of your room, shooting rays of light harshly upon your sleeping eyes. You tried to avoid the, all consuming brightness, but it's persistence was too empowering for your mind. And you could not grasp your fleeting dreams as you woke to the blinding flames of the sun.

Grumbling, you turn over away from the light and try to envelop yourself in the darkness of the blankets. You were contempt in your surroundings of pure black, until a message appeared on your phone. The scorching light of the phone again disturbing you from your slumber.

Who in their right mind would be texting you at this hour.

You checked your phone, flinching at the flip from dark to light.

7 am


It was a message from wire.

You immediately perked up. You were excited to see him again but, this timing could not have been more impeccable.

You opened up the message to read his comments.

Knife buddy

Hey, are you still down to hang out?
I just won cards against my friends
and have a bunch of money to splurge.
You were the first that came to mind.

💕Cutey with the pepper spray

You're sweet but you don't have to pay
for me. I'm down to hang though!

Knife buddy

Great! You know the central gardens by the Starbucks? We can meet up there. Let's say in about an hour? It usually takes me a while
to get ready. Tights are a pain to put on.

💕Cutey with the pepper spray

Of course! I know exactly where that is!
I'll see you soon then:)

Knife buddy

Alright. I'll see you soon  ._./

To say you were still drowsy was an understatement. Wiping off the lingering sleep in your dreary eyes, you unwillingly forced yourself out of the warmth that was your bed. The cold air clawing at you as you quickened your movements to the bathroom.

The lack of insulation within the room was too insufficient, as the air was even colder. Turning on the shower and turning the temperature to hot, the water instantly heated up the room. Steam flowing out and already fogging the mirrors. A plus about your new living condition.

You stripped yourself of your under garments and threw yourself at the water. Scorching liquid streaming down your form in a pleasant agony. It was a bliss as the flames of water soothed your sore and still tired muscles. Your joints relieved of its constant weight of holding you up and finally actually relaxing under the sensation. Your bed was plush and forming, but your sleeping habits weren't especially good for you. There was nothing better than a good hot shower.

After your relief releasing serenity in the shower, you dried your flowing locks and dressed in comfortable clothing good for walking in. Styling your hair, you decided to put your hair in two side braids. A few baby hairs flowing and framing your face perfectly.

You checked your phone.

7.56 am

And a text from your new friend saying he was on his way to the meeting spot.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now