Chapter 11

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The ringing sound of your alarm clock woke you in a panic. Pulling the sheets over you smashed the button and read the time.




Alarm clock?

You were in your bed.

But you were on the couch last night. And were was Killer? He wasn't in the room.

The pleasant crisp scent of bacon wafted through your room.

Your mouth watered and your stomach grumbled in hunger. You hadn't eaten last night despite making food.

Getting out of bed you took a super quick shower and got dressed for the day.

Your hair was still moist when you walked into your little kitchen.

Killer was standing at the stove cooking. He didn't have his shirt on, still wrapped in the bandages from last night. He was wearing your pink frilled apron. His back was stunning to look at. You cursed yourself for drooling already so early in the morning.

It was then you noticed music was playing and he was swaying to the beat, softly humming to himself.

Your heart pulled at his cute behavior. You were definitely falling for this man.

He felt eyes staring at him and he turned around abruptly, but softened out when it was only you standing at the kitchen entrance.

"I made breakfast. To thank you for yesterday..." he said, placing the cooked food onto a plate and setting it on the kitchen table. He was avoiding eye contact.

"Were you the one who moved me to the bed?" You asked him. You didn't mind but, we're kinda curious. You hoped you weren't too heavy.

He paused. "I did. Sorry... I woke up early this morning and you looked super uncomfortable." He said, red tinting his features with a soft glow.

"It's okay. How are you feeling? Does your wound still hurt?" You asked him taking a seat in front of him.

He looked taken aback. As if he doesn't recall ever feeling such a thing the night before.

"I've been feeling better ever since you came along." He said slightly smiling to himself.

Your heart wavered.

A blush crept up your face.

"Thank you for the food!" You clapped your hands together in an attempt to clear your mind and change the subject. Eating away at the plate presented in front of you.

It was amazing. You'd never had such amazing food before. It was melting in your mouth with salty sweetness. A perfect mixture of eggs and bacon laid over a soft and fluffy bed of rice with siracha sauce on top spelling out enjoy:) with a smiley face at the end. It was adorably delicious. You weren't sure how such a simple dish could taste way different than what you were used to. You loved every bite.

Killer simply looked at you with contempt in his eyes. He was glad you enjoyed his food, but he was sure it didn't taste as good as yours.

After you finished you thanked him for the meal.

But you had wondered where he had gotten all the food. You hadn't really stocked your fridge or cabinets yet. You were procrastinating on it.

The radio that was playing started playing news from the local market.

"You didn't have to buy food did you?" You felt bad if that was the case.

"Don't worry about it. I saw that your fridge and cabinets were empty so I stocked them for you. Think of it as a gift, though quite an insufficient one.." he said, straying away in his sentence.

You walked over to the fridge and it was filled to the brim with food. The same with all of the cabinets. Boxed pasta, canned soup and tomato sauce, pretty much it looked like a mini market where anything you could ask for was inside.


"I didn't know your preference, so I just got a large variety."Killer was so kind.

"How much?!"

"It didn't cost too much don't worry about it." He said. Dodging your eyes.

The radio suddenly spoke."a huge grocery store robbery occurred earlier this morning. A strange man was seen walking away from the crime with a huge cart filled to the brim with everyday food items. If you see anyone suspicious please report to-"

Killer had turned off the radio.

"Anyways. I should be taking my leave. Thank you for everything." Killer said in a hurry.

"Wait! Let me at least change your bandages first." You insisted. You wanted to make sure he was good before you released him of your care.

He hesitated but allowed you to do it.

You grabbed the med kit and had him sit on the sofa once more. You removed his bandages. They looked a lot better than yesterday. Dried blood had seeped out and it was starting to swell. You put some antibiotic cream on it and covered the area once more in bandages.

"There. Much better." You said, a small smile present on your lips.

" Thank you."

"Oh and that reminds me." You ran to the laundry room and grabbed his clean shirt from the dryer. You handed it to him. "Here. I washed your shirt."

"I appreciate the hospitality. I'm sorry for being so much trouble." He frowned.

"Don't be! It's my choice. And also, could I get your number?" You asked rather shyly. You figured he didn't get your slip of paper because he never texted you.

"What? You. You want MY number??" He was at a loss of words and showed confusion in his eyes.

"Is that okay?" You were embarrassed at this point, wanting to cover your face and hide in your room.

"Of course." He was smiling so bright, it made you blush. You handed him your phone and he typed in his number.

You waved Killer goodbye as you closed your door.

You immediately texted him.

Hi! It's Y/n:)

Handsome Blond❤️
Hey, it's Killer❤️

Sorry I meant :)*

Beautiful 💕
Nope, I'm saving that as your contact now😂


Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now