Chapter 16

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As the two of you lost yourselves in each other, the day stretched to night. Stars sprinkled the skies and the moon rose into position. Sending a small cool midnight breeze over the both of you.

" Its getting quite late." Killer mentioned to you, seemly having forgotten the time. He was so submersed in the conversation, so captivated by your voice, that all sense was lost to him. You were dangerous. He was afraid if he got too close, he would never want to leave. There was a tempting aroma about you from the moment he laid eyes on you, and he was too weak to break free from it. He didn't think he would ever be strong enough to deny you.

"It has." You replied, and Killer could feel your frown from where he laid. You didn't want to go home. You wanted to stay in company of Killer until death forcibly took you from him. But you knew you couldn't stay outside like this all night, and eventually you would part from each other.

"This isn't the end if you don't want it to be." Killer was hesitant in his words. He still doubted any of this were reality. He was afraid he would wake up and have dreamt this whole thing, and you would vanish from his world once more.

"Promise?" You looked over at him and turned to you side to face him.

Killer moved over to face you as well, his vibrant blue eyes glowing in the moonlight, like he was waiting for those words for as long as he lived.

"I promise. We'll meet again." Killer reached up and brushed his thumb over your cheek.

You smiled and leaned into him, giving him a gentle kiss on his lips. He leaned in as well with newfound courage and deepened it. Butterflies tingled your whole being from the core, and spread out down to your toes. You cuddled and tangled yourself into him, both you you smiling into the kiss. You became needy, and you wanted more of him. Every part of him. Your hands trailed down to his shirt, and you felt his well toned muscled chest. He moaned into the kiss at your touch, and you reveled in the thought knowing you were able to bring him to this state, just by your touch.

He was just as needy, he wanted every part of you. But he was too respectful to ever lay hands unless you had made the first move. And he was tempted to roam his hands down to every last inch of your body. But he was afraid if he took things any further, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from taking you completely. And he knew it would happen. He would never want to hurt you, or force you into anything you weren't ready for. So he stopped himself. Much to your dismay.

"I'll see you again, same time and place?" Killer broke the kiss and looked into your eyes.

You pouted, but nevertheless agreed.

The way home was quiet. You missed Killer already.

Upon reaching your apartment, a familiar silhouette stood expectantly.

"Wire! What are you doing here?" You asked him, a smile spread over your previously sullen features.

"I was hoping you wouldn't come home tonight..." he said with a sad smile.

"Wha- don't— we aren't really that close yet." You said.

Wire handed you a hot cup of hot cocoa, which you didn't even know he was holding.

"You'll tell me about it?" Wire said, a nervous smile on his face.

"Of course! Let's go inside."

"So how did it go?"

"Oh my gosh. It was amazing!! So get this."

The two of you sat at the table in your living room, you had brought out some chips and snacks from your full pantry. The tv was in but ignored as wire listened intently to your ramblings of what went on.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now