Chapter 14

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Y/n POV.

The sun was fading from the night sky. A cold mist rolls over the horizon, sending chills down your spine. The luminous moon casted elongated shadows across the dark floor. You didn't know why you were walking out so late at night. But you felt a call. Like your soul was being pushed out of your body and was trying to crawl to wherever it was your legs carried you to.

You were skeptical you would even find anything. Nothing ever good came out of the dark. At least not for a long time.

You noticed your feet had carried you to the central gardens. You were just going to pass by when you felt your heart strings tug.

You heart quickened and your pulse thickened. Your body wouldn't let you leave. Your feet were glued to the ground.

And it was then, from the corners of your eye, did you see it.

Soft glowing blond hair, dancing gracefully in the light breeze.

Your eyes widened.

The all so familiar golden hair, not even the moon could deceive. There was no mistaking who it belonged to, even if it were pitch black, it always seemed to glow. As if it held its own light.

And sure enough, there he was. Sitting upon the same bench you both once shared.

You couldn't explain what came over you.


Overwhelming grief.


Whatever it was, you didn't want to let it go.

You hoped you weren't dreaming.

As you tried to reach out your feet moved on its own accord. The rush of wind wizzing past your hair seemed to sting your eyes. He got closer and closer until darkness evaded your vision. The rapid sound of thumps could be heard from his chest, and reminded you how real this was. It wasn't a dream.

You stayed there, face pressed against his pecs, arms held tightly at each side.

It felt right.

Like this was where you belonged, in the arms of this person you could only pick out a few memories shared between.

His heart never slowed down for a second, but his arms wrapped around your frame, and he engulfed you in the biggest hug you could ever imagine.

No words were needed.

You didn't have to explain how you didn't know what just happened or why. He was just as lost as you were. But your souls were at peace. Your bodies reacted as if on instinct, like they already knew what to do.

You wanted to yell at him.

You wanted to ask why. Why he had left. Why he never called. Or texted. Why he shut you out. Why your body had led you to him. Why you had this overwhelming feeling towards him. Why you couldn't let go. You wanted all the answers that swarmed your mind. You wanted him to answer.

But you couldn't get the words out of your throat.

And he understood.

Hot tears seeped out of your eyes uncontrollably. You weren't able to stop, and you felt you didn't even want to. You wanted him to know just how much he had affected you. How one moment forever changed your life, like a red stain on a newly cleaned white sheet. There was no getting rid of it.

He was the first to speak. And it made you cry even harder into his chest. Your fingers clawing at his shirt.

"Forgive me."

Of course you would. But his statement caught you off guard. It wasn't what you were expecting, but it was what you needed to hear. No excuses. He knew he had messed up. He didn't try to gain your favor. And he didn't try to take your mind off it. He came at you in full. Everything that's happened until now. To remember, forgive, and move forward taking in each step with mind to each other. So no one steps on anymore toes.

"I forgive you." You managed to choke out.

Those words in return were what he needed to hear.

Soft drops lightly pattered on your shoulder.


No it was too one sided.

You looked up to see tears streaming down his own face. Glossy blue eyes staring back at you. His cheeks were flushed red. You weren't sure it it was from the crying or the cold air. His lips were slightly chapped, he wasn't wearing his normal blue lip gloss.

He leaned in, but halted to a stop. Like he was restraining himself again. His heart skipped a beat. But before he pulled away you took the next step for him. You closed your eyes and leaned in, placing your lips against his.

He stiffened, but immediately pressed himself to you afterwards. Your hands entangled into his soft locks. Your lips melded perfectly to one another. He glided his hand up your back, to your cheek. Brushing your hair behind you ear.

He felt bold after you had initiated the first step. He licked your bottom lip.

A rush of heated tension rose from your chest, tingling down to your core. He had turned you on.

You slightly parted your lips. But he didn't advance any further. Not knowing what to do, you licked his lips back. His heartbeat quickened just as yours had done when the roles were reversed.

He parted his lips against yours. You took that as a sign to deepen the kiss. Slipping your tongue into his mouth. A knot twisted in the pit of your stomach as a small moan escaped him in the process.

The need for air broke your kiss, deep heavy pants resounded from the both of you. A large blush covered his face, and you were sure you didn't look much different. His hair was tangled between your fingers, and his eyes sparkled with a new emotion not yet clear to you. Just as you were about to lean in for another kiss, small drops fell on top of you both.

Looking up, what started as light pitter patters of rain, became a heavy downcast of a storm.

He pulled you in to try and cover you from the rain, an attempt made in vain as there was no sheltering from this storm.

You laughed.

How ironic. The rain wiped clean both your faces, making it impossible to learn of your crying fit just moments prior.

He smiled along with you, placing his forehead against yours.

You had both found home within each other.

Killer x Reader Modern AU One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now